New Martial Companion

As Joseph sat in his room, he tried to heal his damaged body. He then used his powerful soul to inspect it thoroughly. The further he probed, the greater his face twisted into a scowl.

'What nonsense is this? Was this idiot really serious about cultivating?'

Besides noticing the familiar book inside his dantian[1], his body was an entire mess. Not only was there not enough yin energy to support the yang energy, but he also did not believe his body was capable of producing it either.

Furthermore, the way he built up his current foundation, he would never achieve the best body type. It was sad.

Even before his former self's death, he remained unaware of the truth that the ultimate body type wasn't a measly Gold Body.

Instead, there were still the Platinum Body and the Diamond Soul Body. Without reaching both of these, the chance of making future breakthroughs would just become harder and harder.

But it was different for Joseph. Not only did he know this, but he also had a Platinum Body in his first life. And yet, he still managed to reign supreme.

This time however, he decided to aim solely for the best.

That was when he realized something crucial. His former way of cultivating, and this world's way of it, was diverse. The memories and what he was experiencing suggested that he must have a Martial Companion if he wanted to cultivate.

The reason for this was because unlike in his world where a practitioner could slowly grow yin-yang energy to induce a perfect symmetry, establishing a strong and solid foundation, it was different here.

Only females were able to produce yin energy, and males, yang energy.

But they did share one common link. It was still impossible to traverse the Martial Path without the balance of achieving absolute harmony between yin and yang energies.

Of course, there was the option of using external objects that carried yin energy. But if you gave those same objects to a female then used it as resources for dual-cultivation, the latter effects would always be better than the former.

And the roles vice versa.

It put those who lack a Martial Companion at a significant disadvantage. It was also the opposite of his goal, which was to aim for the best. Only someone with absolute strength would be able to cross worlds and dimensions.

After all, who knew how much strength he required to cross worlds and found his old one? He needed to do his best in order to save his little sister.

Still, Joseph wasn't happy about these turns of events. He was much more familiar with the lone path and severing all ties, not seeking companionship.

But that was not to say he lacked experience altogether. It was just not his preferred choice.

He finished his inner thoughts and stood up from his lotus position. His recovery had reached its limit to what he could do without proper medicine.

Since that was the case, there was no point in staying even if given the option too. Nothing would change.

Joseph then left the room to found his Second Uncle.


Inside the Clouds Proud Estate, one could see many family members going about their daily life. Joseph, who was passing by, remained indifferent. He clasped his hands behind him and kept a cold expression.

But this did not pertain to all the members. Some shot whispers and snarls his way. They wished for nothing more than to see him disappear. In their eyes, Joseph was a walking disgrace for the family.

"He must think he's hot stuff since he's the Third Young Master."

"What Third Young Master? He's no family of ours. He's a pretender."

And the malicious remarks just continued.

Despite having the title Third Young Master, Joseph was not blood-related to the Clouds Family Master. Instead, he was adopted by his parents and taken in by his Second Uncle after their mysterious passing.

It was because of these facts that the older generation of Clouds Family turned a blind eye to his situation.

Before, when it was in the past, he showed amazing potential. Clouds Family paired him with the most talented female who was willing to cultivate with him.

Although she was a servant's daughter, and still not blood-related to the Clouds Family Master, she was still his best companion compared to other willing females.

But after City Manor House caught wind of this development, they allowed their Young Master to sabotage him. Clouds Family did nothing to stop the unjust.

Perhaps in their eyes, even at the time he first displayed his talent, the older generation was deep-rooted with prejudice.

They never truly wanted an 'outsider' to succeed. It wasn't strange since if he did grow powerful, Burning Sky City would be sure to remind Clouds Family that he wasn't blood-related.

Therefore, they would think it wasn't Clouds Family who was great. It was he, Joseph Clouds, who was great and well-deserving of respect. When taking all this into account, everything made sense.

But Joseph cared nothing for this since Burning Sky City was too small of a place to matter. These family ties were just convenient cornerstones he would use to help grow stronger.

Instead, he was seeking out his Second Uncle for access to the family's Scholar Office. It was one of the rooms in Clouds Family's mansion where they stored books, scrolls, ink, and other literature related items.

He entered his Second Uncle's courtyard, where he expected him to be and noted that he had guests.

There were three people in total, not counting his Second Uncle. One was his First Aunt, and the other two were servants, a middle-aged man, and his pretty blue-haired daughter.

Joseph did a once over, but never lost his stride and stern expression.

"You're up early, Nephew. It hasn't even been a full day. Shouldn't you rest after what happened yesterday?"

His Second Uncle asked.

The time from the attack and the time he spent resting was indeed short. In fact, after being attacked that evening, he spent the whole night recovering.

"No, I should be alright now. Morning, Oldest Aunt, Second Uncle."

He saluted both in turn but ignored the servants. He was sure the reason they were here was that his First Aunt had plans to replace his Martial Companion.

However, this gesture wasn't something out of the kindness of her heart. If that were the case, someone would have intervened during yesterday's commotion.

No, rather, it was the total opposite. The girl's expression carried disgust while the man appeared troubled. Probably because if she didn't act her part, he might not get his share from the deal.

"I'm glad that you came when you did. I was just discussing when to introduce you to Milly. I heard that hateful boy, Kyle Woods, dared to steal our family members. Little Joe, you must not let this happen again, or the family won't provide for you anymore."

His First Aunt complained.

Joseph snorted inwardly. The girl was being used as a sacrificial piece to grab City Manor House's Young Master's attention. It was nothing more than a ruthless stage setup to harm him under a pretense of generosity.

If they wanted to save face and let another dirty their hands, that was fine. Joseph had no problem accepting the girl for the time being. Of course, he needed his share as well.

"Thank you, Oldest Aunt. A Martial Companion handpicked solely by you is definitely deserving of high praise. This nephew's eyes are still not mature enough. My judgment lacks experience and discernment."

'Does this brat care nothing about keeping face? Truly unworthy of my daughter.'

'I knew he was pathetic. He might really be impotent as the rumors say.'

Both father and daughter thought with undisguised scorn, not believing how someone could badmouth themself. The First Aunt also snorted in disdain and anger.

'Little Trash! Since your insight is so bad, are you trying to claim my eyes are garbage too? I don't need approval from you.'

She could feel a tick mark forming.

"It is good that you know that. But you don't need to sell yourself short. You are apart of my Clouds Family, after all."

'Clouds Family, huh?'

If that was so, why not just say he was family instead of only apart of it? Joseph couldn't be bothered to call her out on it.

"But Oldest Aunt, this nephew is poor with nothing to gift to my Martial Companion. That loose woman Beatrice also left me because of this reason. Nevermind, it should be okay since she has your recommendation. I don't think anyone dares blame Oldest Aunt or the family over a little bit of money."

The man winced hearing this as the First Aunt stared daggers at him. It was a given that he just lost some of his pay. As for Milly, her eyes lit up a little. This meant she could get some money too.

The First Aunt snarled when she let out her reply.

"Nonsense! Who says my family doesn't treat Martial Companions well? Here! This should be more than enough to get her a good gift. Don't say I treat you poorly in the future."

She then tossed over a money pouch with 3 to 5 thousand of silver coins in it.

"Thank you, Oldest Aunt."

He saluted again. He did not address his Second Uncle since he stayed quiet during the whole ordeal. It was clear his former self was a bad judge of character.

His cold eyes then meet Milly's eyes.


He ordered. Milly was reproached but still complied. Even if she was now his Martial Companion, she was only a servant after all.

Once they were out of sight from the adults' visions, Milly rounded on him with a rude demeanor.

"Hand it over, now. I don't need your so call gift you're hoping to get me. I want the money instead."

She outstretched her hand and demanded bluntly.

'She seems blind to emotions and can't even perceive what's in front of her.'

He concluded. Milly would have her use in due time.

"First, if you don't want to be crippled, move your hand."

He told her coldly. Milly was shocked and frightened for a second before withdrawing her hand with a glare.

"Secondly, you are still a servant of the Clouds Family. And I am a young master. If you forget this again, I will also cripple you."

"An-animal...! Are you still a man, threatening an ordinary woman? I have never cultivated."

"Third, this is my money for bothering to put up with you. And last, if you dare to go against me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

By the time Joseph finished, Milly was speechless and silent. Although her senses were normal, she could still tell from his expression, then to his eyes, to his tone, and even from the air he bore, he was serious.


'This impotent disgrace is trying to take advantage of me.'

Nonetheless, she followed him to his lodgings. As Joseph walked, he did not stop at his room. Instead, he left Clouds Proud Estate and headed toward the marketplace again.

Behind him, Milly fumed and clenched her hands.

'Just wait and see until we run into Young Master Kyle. I want to see how arrogant you can continue to act when your not bullying a defenseless young lady like me.'

Unfortunately for Milly, they did not run into Kyle. Joseph was able to shop from one place to another, buying hunting supplies and medicine to treat his injury easily.

But every turn of the way, Milly complained, tried to coax the owners to raise prices by giving glimpses of her assets, or draw attention to get sympathy from eager males.

Joseph overlooked it all before arriving at an auction house called Jade Dragon Pavilion. Setting up camp nearby was also a slave traveling merchant.

From the sight, one could guess that the two were currently discussing business on what to auction.

Joseph knew around this time of year the slave traveling merchant always made his rounds to Burning Sky City before moving on to another one, which is why he was not surprised to see them.

In fact, this slave traveling merchant was his specific goal for coming out here. But for others, this timing was pointless because what was left that Jade Dragon Pavilion didn't buy, usually was terrible goods.

Joseph was unfazed, however. Despite knowing the good slaves would probably be brought by now by Jade Dragon Pavilion, he still was determined to see what they had left.

Milly frowned at recognizing the area they were going.

"What do you want here? Don't Clouds Family have enough servants? Besides, where would the money come from, anyway? Did you lie to Lady Clouds?"

"Enough nonsense, follow me inside."

"Hmph! Just wait..."

She murmured.

[1] Think of it as the place where all the energy is stored. If destroyed, they will lose their power.