Chapter 11 Cash

There's not much to say about the task log, only two items: "Kill the Human-Faced Cat" and "Kill the Possessing Ghost", which I guess can be checked here when accepting tasks in the future.

In the shopping mall interface, the only accessible section for now is the shelves, which display a total of twenty items, refreshed daily. It's just that the prices, well...

"Sith Warrior Force Lightsaber", "Red Skeletal Long Battle Halberd", "Asakusa Twelve-floor Evil Spirits Retreat Amulet", "Griffon Hippogryph Heavy Chest Armor", "Gauss Pistol", "Minor Alchemist Cane", "Intermediate Restore Potion", "Wired Royal Floating Cannon"...

Out of these twenty items, the cheapest costs 2,000 game coins, which is simply beyond the reach of newbie players.

Li Ang scrutinized the shelves of the virtual mall and couldn't help but draw in a cold breath.

He wasn't sighing at the costs, but rather because if these equipment items could be analyzed and researched, they would be of tremendous significance for the state apparatus.

Just one Sith lightsaber could provide the state with several technologies, including super batteries, plasma constraint devices, and portable strong magnetic field generators, not to mention guiding the overall direction of national scientific and technological development.

The Gauss Pistol and Floating Cannon from the technological side, or the Alchemist's Magic Wand from the magical side, each could cause unprecedented innovation in human scientific research areas.

"If the state has established an official gamer team, then they should now be running all over the world, triggering tasks to earn game currency," Li Ang pondered, "Moreover, since these equipment pieces appear on the virtual mall's shelves, it means players might encounter similar extraordinary items during tasks, or even further, come into contact with, or enter, those other worlds..."

Li Ang thought for a while, then shook his head and turned his attention to the backpack section, where a simple wooden chest made of old planks and rivets was placed.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

"Is this chest the reward for completing the task?"

Li Ang silently chuckled, rubbing his hands together like a green-headed fly, and clicked on the wooden chest.

With a flash of white light, the chest opened to reveal... a ladies' wallet?

[Name: Gucci Zumi Dark Green Grain Leather Ladies' Wallet]

[Type: Luxury Item]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Special Effect: None]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Notes: Created in Italy, understated, luxurious, and elegant. The sweat, grease, and scent of mature women's perfume on it suggest that its original owner was a wealthy woman around fifty years old.]

Li Ang took a deep breath and flipped through the inventory, inspecting the wallet. After several minutes of trying... he finally determined that it was genuinely a Gucci wallet from a fifty-year-old rich lady.

"What a joke..."

Li Ang's expression showed a touch of exasperation. Inside the wallet were seven or eight bank cards, including both domestic and Visa and MasterCard ones,

Besides, the wallet contained facial tissues, a makeup bag, about a dozen condoms of various models and styles, and a stack of neatly arranged red banknotes, estimated to be worth around ten thousand yuan in total.

Li Ang sighed, "The happiness of a rich woman is beyond your imagination..."

He had no intention of using the bank cards or pawning off the luxury wallet. The best approach was to take the cash and burn everything else, eliminating any potential traces that could expose him.

"Ten thousand in cash, tsk tsk tsk,"

Out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, newly rich, Li Ang's cheerful mood even led him to flash a radiant smile at the English teacher on stage, causing the latter to shudder and stutter through the lesson.


By evening, as classes ended and students were heading home, the underground parking lit up brightly.

Police cars had cordoned off the exterior of the parking lot with tape, but the officers were standing outside the cordon looking idle.

Inside the parking lot, a group of burly men in black suits and sunglasses were divided into two teams. One team was taking photos and collecting evidence like criminal investigators,

while the other wielded a device resembling a mine detector, pacing back and forth among the vehicles with shattered windows like sappers.

Suddenly, a special police officer with black glasses shouted, "Chief, spiritual energy response detected, strength level 1, type: possessing spirit. Judging from the dissipation of the spiritual energy, it has been at least 5 hours since it was eliminated."

"As expected."

The middle-aged man known as the chief, with whitening temples and a stern face, nodded and turned to his male assistant, "Have all the surveillance and backup recordings here been cut?"

"All cut," the assistant replied. "The person is very professional in anti-surveillance techniques. The scene was cleanly processed, no useful footage captured, and most of the remaining traces at the scene have been thoroughly erased, even some of the vehicles' dash cams have been dismantled and destroyed."

"Hmm," said the middle-aged man indifferently, "Is the teacher who was possessed awake yet?"

"Awake, lying in a special ward and being questioned." The assistant shook his head and sighed, "There are naturally no memories during the possession by the spiritual body, and he passed out after the spirit was eliminated, so he can't provide information on who killed the spirit.

As for the emergency call to the hospital made by the killer, the audio was recorded, but he applied very professional voice distortion—no way to trace the individual."

The chief's face was unreadable. "Seems like we're dealing with a seasoned player."

After a moment of hesitation, the assistant asked, "Chief, should we conduct a secret investigation of all the faculty and students in the school?"

"We can investigate, but it's not necessary,"

the chief shook his head, "First, it would alert the quarry. Second, the player who eliminated the spirit is still of low level, not worth the investment of significant resources in the current situation."

"Third, judging by his overall actions, he still falls into the neutral alignment category. A heavy-handed investigation might turn him against us. Finally, we don't know whether this player's task is a regular one or a scripted mission.

If it's a regular task, that's one thing, but if it's scripted, the player who killed the spirit could be from anywhere around the world."

Right now, the supernatural incidents on Qianhua Road are getting more severe and could turn into a roaming natural disaster at any moment. There, is much more important than here."

"So..." the assistant hesitated, "seal the records?"

"Seal them," the chief nodded. "If the person who killed the spirit is part of the school's staff or students, then we can come back to investigate after dealing with the supernatural phenomenon on Qianhua Road—it won't be too late then."