Chapter 36 Wang Guan

Many demons looked on curiously, and after careful observation, they realized that the green sphere didn't show any extraordinary traits; it was indeed just an ordinary fruit from a plant.

Is this it? The demons were disappointed.

As the group of demons curled their lips in contempt, they saw the Tiger Demon dressed in a Taoist robe tremble mightily, his eyes woozy, with his bright red tongue unable to stop licking his lips, drooling incessantly.

"Hey? Brother Tiger, are you alright?" a familiar demon hesitantly asked.

The Tiger Demon ignored him and staggered toward Li Ang, swallowing his saliva before saying, "How much for this fruit?"

Li Ang closed the wooden box, "Any rare and exotic treasure will do."

The Tiger Demon reached in his robe sleeve and pulled out a transparent, jump-rope-like rope.

"Brown-cheeked deer sinew!" A demon who knew his stuff couldn't help but shout, "This deer sinew is tough and elastic, immune to knife cuts and impervious to fire, a fine material for humans to make crossbow beds, and in ancient times, solitary cultivators used it as a belt."

Li Ang nodded, took the deer sinew, and handed the wooden box to the Tiger Demon.

The Tiger Demon, flaring his nostrils, sniffed a few times at the scent of catnip, swallowed his drool, and reluctantly closed the box—he had a hunch that this plant fruit could bring him closer to a "Zen" state during meditation, greatly benefiting his cultivation.

Wanli Fengdao, who saw Li Ang trade catnip for extraordinary items, was so astonished that his jaw almost dropped. He quietly asked Li Ang, "...isn't the item bar limited to twenty items? How could you afford to use one slot for common items like catnip?"

"Indeed, the item bar can only hold twenty items, but I bought on Taobao a 'Lucky Bag' worth 500 yuan that can contain various daily necessities, including combs, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, snacks, razors, lighters, dog food, catnip," Li Ang replied softly.

"These Lucky Bags are quite large and filled with odd and unusual items that might come in handy for certain missions. Plus, the System considers the whole bag as one item, thus justifying its place in the item bar." Li Ang explained gently.

There's such a strategy?

Universe Sealer watched Li Ang in disbelief, not knowing that Li Ang had once devised rigorous experimental procedures, planned scientific testing tables, and spent a lot of effort to test the limits of the System.

A Lucky Bag purchased from Taobao counts as one item, but putting lots of things in a bag on your own wouldn't count as the same to the System—this somewhat inexplicable System ruling is one of the special features of the killing field game.

After the Tiger Demon's trade was made, the atmosphere became much livelier,

Li Ang then used a water-smoking gun valued at 400 yuan to trade with the Rat Monster for a Fire Rat Fur coat that was warm in winter, cool in summer, and came with a temperature control system;

With a Dalun Clin Lincomycin Phosphate Gel worth 24 yuan for acne, he got from the Fierce Ghost a piece of greenish, lethal disease-ridden skin;

And with Manxu Leiden eye drops worth 56 yuan for relieving fatigue, he traded with the One-eyed Giant for a bone spine over two meters long;

The rest of the mission team watched Li Ang exchange a heap of Taobao products for a variety of quirky items from the demons, as if they could hear the myriad sounds of store promotional loudspeakers in their ears.

"Jiangsu Zhejiang Wenzhou, Jiangsu Zhejiang Wenzhou, the largest smoking pipe factory in Jiangnan is going bankrupt, the bastard boss Huang He gambled, dranked, and racked up a debt of 3.5 billion, then ran away with his mistress, we've got no choice but to clear out the water smoking guns at rock-bottom prices, all originally three or two hundred, now all going for just twenty yuan!"

"For nine ninety-nine, you won't be taken for a ride, for nine ninety-nine, you won't be cheated!"

"Clearance sale, everything must go, last day, sell at a loss and shut down the business!"

One trade after another was quickly completed. For Li Ang, cheap Taobao goods could be exchanged for special items, which could then be sold to the System shop for the precious in-game currency.

For the demons, on the other hand, the junk they had that couldn't be refined into magical treasures—


Being able to trade for overseas specialties like the water smoking gun, which have the unique usage of "calming the mind and aiding in cultivation," was also a windfall.

Both parties were happy with the trade; once happiness was achieved, the deal was done.

At the end of the barter trade, Li Ang looked at his backpack stuffed with all kinds of "junk" and sighed to himself that flipping goods was indeed the quickest way to earn money.

Just then, a cold wind blew in, causing the candle flames inside Daxiong Bao Hall to flicker violently, and the shadows of myriad demons on the wall twisted and deformed.

Tap, tap, tap.

The light and rapid footsteps drew closer, and four ghostly figures carrying a palanquin glided through the distant, dimly lit trees.

The palanquin was huge, with a golden roof that sloped on all four sides, and it was surrounded by a curtain of black and red, looking magnificent and stylish.

The four palanquin bearers were not so impressive, dressed in blood-red short shirts with green faces, sharp fangs, long ears, red noses, and luscious lips, each hideously unique.

The figure walking in front of the palanquin was dressed in a spotless white long gown, which seemed even paler than the clothing itself.

Li Ang's pupils contracted sharply. In his spiritual sense, all four figures carrying the palanquin and the one walking ahead were ghosts, and not just any ghosts—these were Fierce Ghosts with intense resentment and negative energy, much more powerful than the possessing spirit he had encountered in the school parking lot.

If such ferocious Fierce Ghosts were merely palanquin drivers, who could be inside the palanquin...

"The True Man has arrived!"

The ghost in white shouted loudly, stepped on the ground with his cloth shoes, and floated up effortlessly, landing outside the entrance of Daxiong Bao Hall.

The two palanquin drivers in front didn't fly up but ascended the steps. To keep the palanquin perfectly balanced, the Ghost Sedan Chair bearers at the back extended their arms out considerably, lifting the palanquin poles high over their shoulders.

The palanquin came to a slow halt below the entrance of the Daxiong Bao Hall, and all the gazes of the demons and monsters were fixed on the curtain of the palanquin.

An ordinary cloth shoe stepped out from behind the curtain, followed by a leg, and then an old Taoist emerged, exuding an air of an immortal with kindly brows and a youthful face amidst his white crane hair.

"It's him, it's him!" Chai Cuiqiao shrieked with a ghastly wail inside Li Ang: "That's Monk Taozhi!"


Most of the demons and monsters stood up in unison, greeting the old Taoist with well-wishes and praise,

"Master Taozhi, we haven't seen you in many days. Your mana has improved yet again, making us feel utterly inferior."

"They say seeing is better than hearing, but seeing you today surpasses all that has been heard! Such a meeting brings great contentment to my life!"

"Great Master Taozhi, your boundless mana ensures eternal blessings, may your life be as enduring as the heavens."

The cultural level of the many demons and monsters was not high; their greetings, praises, and flattery were crude and direct—to be fair, all of them were demons with thick skins, and if a bit of flattery could get them some drinks, why not indulge?

The Master Taozhi, surrounded by stars, merely chuckled, stroked his beard and shook his Taoist robe, "From now on, please don't call me Taozhi. My name is now Wang Guan."

"Wang Guan the Taoist with boundless mana, may you enjoy eternal blessings and a life as long as the heavens!"

"Wang Guan the Taoist, majestic and powerful, you command my full admiration and loyalty!"
