Chapter 50 Refrigerator

"Stay here, don't move; I'll go in and take a look first."

Wang Fengnian whispered to Li Ang as his hand reached to his waist, unfastening his gun holster.

Generally speaking, even for an experienced officer like Wang Fengnian, who had been in the force for over twenty years and garnered deep trust from the organization, it was rare to bring the gun home after getting off work.

After all, it was a time of peace, the public security environment was relatively good, and compared to the trouble caused by losing a gun, the benefits of carrying one were negligible.

It was not until six months ago, when various bizarre and peculiar cases emerged incessantly, that officers began to get accustomed to carrying their firearms after work.

"A Type 92? Not bad,"

Li Ang saw the gun in Wang Fengnian's hand and chuckled lightly, "At least it's stronger than the Type 05."

The Type 05 revolver is a legendary firearm, enough to compete for the "Top Ten Strangest Pistols in the World." Its design is simple, compact, and innovative, making it safe and reliable to use. But as for its power... it has a nickname called "The Kindly Gun."

The Type 05 uses two types of bullets, one is the flat-headed standard bullet with a muzzle energy of 111 joules, and the other is the round-headed rubber bullet with a muzzle energy reaching 16 joules. If you wear a few thick leather jackets, taking on Type 05 rubber bullets within twenty meters is akin to playing around.

A few years ago, in a certain place, a cow went mad and attacked people. The local police sent officers to the urban-rural junction and fired more than forty shots at the cow with the Type 05, yet it was still not killed... still frolicking around... In desperation, they brought in the Type 79 submachine gun, and it took only two shots to kill the mad cow.

After taking more than forty bullets, that cow must have been frightened mad, if it wasn't already.

With Wang Fengnian's security clearance, he could not yet know the true face of the kill game, but as a veteran officer, he could vaguely sense some sort of tide of change.

Most of the active 05s, 77s, and 64s were completely retired, replaced by more powerful 54s and 92s, and the superiors began to actively encourage them to carry guns after work. Whenever they encountered strange cases, there would also be mysterious individuals in black suits at the crime scene to assist in solving the cases...

A storm is coming...

Wang Fengnian's thoughts snapped back to reality as he scanned the living room blood pool, which bore no footprints, embracing the mindset that "neighbors across the door, Zeng Weiming and Wang Fangni, might still be alive," and "the criminal might still be inside, ready to escape." Sticking to the wall, he cautiously swept past the bloodstains and entered the house.

Li Ang followed behind Wang Fengnian, muttering, "If this is the scene of a criminal murder, how did he manage to leave no footprints?"

"Why did you come in? Didn't I tell you to stay outside?"

Officer Wang turned back and reprimanded softly, "This place is very dangerous, it's not a playground."

"I know," Li Ang said helplessly, pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. If it were any other time, he would have hidden away to the side, watching the drama unfold and cheering from the sidelines.

But this murder had happened right before his eyes, and after all, Officer Wang was the father of his childhood friend. Besides...

[Task Trigger Conditions Met]

[Task Type: Regular Task]

[Task Name: The Madman]

[Task Objective: Eliminate the murderer who killed Zeng Weiming and Wang Fangni]

[Task Time Limit: 72 hours]

[Task Reward 1: An additional 200 Experience Points]

[Task Reward 2: 400 Game Coins]

[Task Reward 3: Random Quality Random Item*1]

[Task Reward 4: random quality random scroll*1]

[Task Failure Penalty: None]

The couple living in this house, are they already dead?

Following behind Wang Fengnian, Li Ang sighed in his heart and began to analyze the task description.

A random quality item, a random quality scroll, judging from the task rewards alone, the difficulty of this task is not low.

Looking at the task objective, the word "killer" could mean a Monster Beast, a Monster, or even a human or a player—the task name "The Madman" doesn't explain much; a madman could refer to the killer or the victim.

Moreover, there is no limit to the number of killers, and the word "eliminate" means that the killer is still alive.

Considering the 72-hour task time limit, it is highly likely that the killer has already left the house and won't let me face battle immediately.

Looking at the indifferent task failure penalty, whether I complete the task or not, I won't suffer significant punishment—also, there might be considerable risks during the process of chasing down the killer, risks that could expose my identity as a player or even lead to death, which in itself is equivalent to the penalty for task failure.

If this incident hadn't happened right under Li Ang's nose, it would have been completely possible to delegate the task to the forum, paying a price to hire other players to help complete it—doing so now could very likely expose his player identity.

Because, according to the degree of coagulation of the blood pool, the time when the killer committed the crime coincides with the period when Li Ang and Wang Congshan were playing League of Legends.

Li Ang, his mind teeming with thoughts, followed Wang Fengnian and began to examine the layout of the living room.

The house purchased by the couple Zeng Weiming and Wang Fangni, has a large area, with three bedrooms, two living rooms, and two bathrooms. To the left of the entrance are the interconnected dining room and living room, to the right is the kitchen and the adjoining balcony,

The master bedroom with an en suite bathroom is on the right side of the living room, and two smaller bedrooms with a shared bathroom are on the left side.

The Nordics countryside decoration style is fresh and elegant, the furniture is simple and peaceful, revealing a natural and casual but not overly meticulous taste of life.

A well-off, free-spirited, and cultured middle-aged couple, with high income, are most likely intellectuals. From the photos on the decorative wall, they have a daughter who is at least an adult, suggesting a harmonious family relationship. According to the condition of the doorknobs in the side bedrooms and the shoe rack, their only child does not live with them often—could she be studying abroad or working in another city?

Li Ang read the indoor clues and with Wang Fengnian, they navigated difficultly through the gaps in the pool of blood, examining every place including the master and side bedrooms and the bathrooms.

"There are no footprints or handprints left inside the house, the killer didn't leave through the main door," Wang Fengnian stood on the balcony, observing a smudge of blood by the window, then, sticking his head out for a while, he turned and said, "He climbed down using the water pipe along the side of the balcony, which is located between two buildings, so no one could see him. And that's the twentieth floor."

Never mind the twentieth floor, even if it were the two hundredth floor, the killer designated as the task target could easily climb down, and whether they are human is not even certain.

Li Ang muttered to himself internally but heard Wang Fengnian mumble, "What about Zeng Weiming and his wife? The killer couldn't have possibly carried two people down the water pipe, could he?"

Without finding the bodies, it could not be counted as a homicide. Li Ang, who had activated his Cat's Eye Spiritual Sense, and Officer Wang checked everywhere, even the water tank in the toilet, but they did not find a single trace of a living person, let alone parts of a body.

Wait a minute, there seems to be one place they haven't searched.

After exchanging glances, Officer Wang, with a gun in one hand and the other hand hidden in his sleeve, leisurely opened the door to the refrigerator's cold storage compartment.

Inside the cold storage, the light automatically turned on, revealing Zeng Weiming and Wang Fangni stacked on top of each other, staring at them with eyes full of terror and stupefaction.

"Shit," Wang Fengnian lowered his gun.