
More importantly to Sarah, she saw John age over the years. She saw us winning and how we'd nearly won the war when we found the time machine as well as the fact that it'd sent others back in time. She saw the worry and sheer terror on John's face when the liquid metals weren't coming after him any longer, but me. She saw his anger and worry over their objectives when we found out why.

Finally she saw the metal she calls Cameron taking up John's time when he wasn't with me learning or in war meetings. She saw the influence Cameron had on him and the worry John had for me when he gave me my mission and I called him a liar. I gave John a hug and swore I'd protect them both no matter what. He told me I was the only one he truly trusted with their lives and his secrets.

I grunted and told him we had no secrets from one another besides what the metal and he were up to. He smiled saying he had secrets, but we didn't have time for sharing any longer. He asked that if I get the chance, I find someone that can keep me stable because he needed me no matter what time it was. I told him he was the only one crazy enough to worry about my sanity over the rest of the shit in any time.

He sighed. "Look after yourself. I don't care who it is Oz, find someone that's strong enough to keep you in line and keep you from pushing yourself too hard. The world has enough metal pretending to be human, it doesn't need the most advanced human pretending to be metal…or worse."

Derek asked if I was coming or if we were going to make out. I flipped him off and stripped down, passing John my particle accelerator rifle. He said he'd always hated it for me and understood why I'd made it. I cut open my side and put the gun, ammo, serum all inside a bag and inside myself.

The other guys winced and John sowed me up before I walked to the others and crouched as the machine started and the last of my clothes were burned off of me by the electricity. I opened my eyes and Sarah awoke with a headache. I gave her the ibuprofen and water while telling her the pain would go away, but it would be unwise to stand for a while as it can cause vertigo.

She sighed and asked if she was the one I'd chosen to help me. I asked if she was strong enough to allow me access to her private thoughts and hear mine like John had. I asked if she could do as she'd seen him, to talk me out of doing something because it could send me over the edge or get me infected by liquid metals, to make me see her side of things regardless of if it was right or simply easier.

I looked at her as she sat up on me and said she didn't know, but she did know she owed me for John's sake. I smiled lightly and touched her face before connecting my mind to hers. She saw my immediate thoughts and leaned forwards then back, fulfilling them rather quickly. When we were spent, I saw her needs and fulfilled them as well, holding her, telling her that for now, in this moment, she and John were safe because my power was enough to protect them inside the house.

She said nowhere was safe and I agreed, saying it was very safe, but not yet built and not yet needed. She called me a smart ass and I just squeezed her own ass saying it was right there. She could feel my amusement and knew I was messing with her to get stuff off her mind. I helped her get to real sleep and the next day John started school with Cameron while she went to see a salesman about a computer AI in a roundabout way.

When she came back she told Derek and I that she had a date at his place to see if he was involved or not. She asked if that was going to be a problem with me and I raised an eyebrow before telling her telepathically that we weren't defined unless she defined us because I didn't know what a relationship entailed, all I knew was stories from John and what I saw in other people's minds. I told her whatever we had, my mission to protect her and John would always take precedence.

Anyways, an issue popped up as Derek provided her backup just in case and caused her to chew him out. She ended up burning the guy's house down a few days later while there was a death at John's school and John blamed Cameron for not letting him do something. Several days later Cameron found Cromartie, the metal that chased them to this time five years into their own future. She told us about the coltan and Sarah wanted to run until John talked her out of it.

She asked my opinion and I told her. "He's one metal and not even a liquid. If he's after John then he's a threat I can deal with alone if necessary. Since we know where he'll be and that there's coltan involved, it's important. Coltan isn't just a key ingredient in making metals, it's a key element in making the defense shields John and I made to protect Nowhere."

We ended up at the docks where we followed the thieves to a warehouse that had a metal. Cameron said it wasn't Cromartie and John wanted to attack. Sarah said it was too dangerous because we didn't know how many were in there. John looked to me and asked what would his future self do.

I frowned. "He'd have me see if I can read everyone else and determine if it's one or more metals before knocking out or killing the humans for aiding them and end the metals if at all possible. No survivors, no questions."

Sarah asked if I can do it and I looked back to the warehouse. My eyes narrowed and I told them. "It's only one. The others are unpaid idiots waiting to get paid, likely with a bullet when the metal has what it wants. I can eliminate the threat."

Sarah told me to just knock them out so four bodies dropped before I headed inside to face the metal. They shot it up and slowed it before I lifted it into the air and ripped items arms and legs off with telekinesis. Cameron cut it's chip out saying we needed to know what it knew. I tossed the parts into the truck and told them to get the jeep and I'd follow.

We took it out and I had them stop by the graveyard where I opened a mausoleum before telling Cameron. "There's a false floor that leads to a vault. John sent an engineer back in case we found large supplies to store for the war. I'll open it up while you take care of the tin can."

I took the chip and gave it to John. "I don't trust her with it. When we get back to the house get the other one she no doubt kept."

I opened the vault and Cameron helped me carry all the coltan inside. There wasn't much there except a couple special one shot tin can busters. Sarah took one and asked why I didn't mention it before. I shook my head. "They're needed for emergencies mostly for anyone John sends back."

We headed back to the house after Cameron dumped the truck. A week later Andy Goode competed in a chess tournament and Derek killed him even though he'd lost the tournament with his AI called the Turk. He got caught by the cops and Sarah had me break him out only a T-888 came after him mid transport and shot Derek while Cameron and I fought him.

We got him to the house and John left, bringing back Sarah's ex fiancé, a paramedic. I kept Derek alive long enough for John and the paramedic, Charley Dixon, to get back and help. I moved deftly as a second pair of hands, performing minor surgery while Derek was out of it. He lost his shit so I punched him, knocking him out cold.

It was efficient while I worked on him with Charley. When he was patched up, I made sure there was no more wounds and I'd gotten all of the bullet out before closing the wound and draining his lungs of blood with the pump drain. I told John that Derek needs blood and he was the only one here with the same blood type. He gave blood and Charley asked questions while Cameron disposed of the metal.

His chip made three we had now but at the moment we were more focused on Derek who was recovering fine now. Charley left after he and Sarah said their goodbyes and I cleaned up while Derek woke up bitching about his jaw. I told him he was going to injure himself further or die so I knocked him out the fast way. He stopped complaining and Sarah chewed him out for Andy Goode.

I washed up and cleaned the guns before sitting up for the night watching the metal. She watched the perimeter and I watched her even when she said she wasn't faulty.