
"Why are you always going out with people from work as I have to take care of our kids and clean this house!" my mother yells at my drunken father he sits on the table rubbing his eyes irritated.

"I told you they invite me and I don't want to be rude and reject them! It's always the same with you nothing I do is good enough!" he bangs on the table as I hide behind the hall way wall and my other sibling fast asleep.

"Your kids don't even know you anymore! They barely see you around and keep asking where you are! I'm tired of this of you just getting drunk and coming home late!" her voice starts to get shakey as to keep her tears from coming out.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm the only one who keeps this family with a roof over their heads" he gets up moves around the table pacing back and forth.

"Leave...." tears start to come down her cheeks then my dad looks at her sighing.

"Byeol, let's just go to bed and-" my mother begins to cry and goes to him pushing him.

"Get out!" I never want to see you again!" she grips her robe tears pouring out and my dad angry punching the wall.

"I will come back for my things and kids" he leaves slamming the door and my heart shattered hearing the door slam. He left he actually left.


I groan and grab my phone and turn off the alarm, I keep having that memory come back. I sigh then get up out of bed my feet touching the cold floor and I head downstairs for breakfast. Ever since that day my mother hadn't been the same...

*Court day*

"Please I don't want to lose my children they are all I have" my mother cries as me and my siblings sit on the chairs looking down and holding eachother hands, we have never thought they would divorce and fight over us.

"Well then since kyong has more things to take care of children and you have more or less, you get to have one child." The judge crosses her arms looking down at my mother as she had tears in her eyes.

"Min jun and Hana are mine" they look at me sad and hug me goodbye and go to my dad, I get up and go to my mom hiding behind her.

"The trial is over and we will final the divorce soon" I look up at my mom and her face was blank, as she had lost all. I hug her and she puts her hand on my head.

"We will be okay together Myung" she takes my hand and leaves as we pass my father and siblings they all looked down at us, as of we meant nothing....

*Back home*

"Goodmorning honey" my mother smiles and she was cooking breakfast and I smile back going to her hugging her.

"Can I ask you something mom" she gives me a plate of food and turns to me she was a lot smaller than me now. Since then she had been working as house keeping to help pay for things and for me to go to school. So I decided to also help by looking for jobs but usually I wasn't what they were looking for.

Well to give you guys some background information about me, I was usually short, black hair a bit curly like mother's, hazel brown eyes and I wasn't popular much but I had my siblings to hangout with. However ever since that day they wouldn't even look at me or talk to me, guess I was on my own since then and I had to be the man of the house. So I decided to do as much as I can to become big and strong, I tried working out with what I had and drink enough milk (because people say that helps to grow) so I did everyday or when I can.

"What's on your mind my child" she looks up at me with her precious smile and holds my hand.

"How did you ever make it so far after what happened with father?" I look down and she smiles softly and lifts my chin.

"Because I had you my darling" she goes on her tiptoes and kisses my head, "Now hurry up and eat so you can go to your first day of college" she pushes me to the table and I smile and eat half of my food.

"Okay I will change and go to school and mom" I look back at her.

"Yes" she smiles her hands holding eachother smiling brightly.

"Thank you for everything" she rolls her eyes and goes back to cooking. I go upstairs to change into some clothes but I debate on what to wear trying to make a good impression. After a couple of mintues I put on some skinny jeans rolling up the bottom to fold it then some white vans, a white shirt, with a black leather jacket with a chain around my neck. I grab my things then rushes downstairs to my mother kissing her head then leaves quickly down to the college, but along the way I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry" I look up at them and they were wearing a mask,glasses, and a big jacket looking down.

"It's fine" he walks quickly away and I turn back confused but my mind went off it as I made it to the University. It was huge! I couldn't believe I've made it to "University of Kumiho" it was a very open school which everyone always wanted to go to.

"Oh my god did you hear about the new kpop singer Park Hyung? He is so hot and has an amazing voice" As I walk pass the halls everyone kept talking about this kpop singer and all the girls kept drooling over him. I walk into my first class and I see groups off people at desk, of course there was the popular group who were self obsessed and only cared about popularity. Then came the "Dork group" where most of the smart people had been talking about high intelligence things that no one understands which is why they call them dorks. And the rest of the students just were spread out and seemed to be irritated, I take a seat in the back of the class near the window areas of the outside of ghe school where cherry blossoms bloom. I over hear this girl group talk about the same kpop boy.

"Oh my god he is so talented I wonder if he is single, he would be an amazing boyfriend and whoever dates him would be so lucky" I roll my eyes sit back on my chair as I kept listening.

"He will be doing a meet and greet today around 5 at the convention center" they all squeal in excitement and I just look over out the window till someone sits next to me smiling and facing me, I look over at them and...

"Hello you must be the new student!" I jump a bit almost falling out my chair and I stutter a bit smiling a bit nervously.

"Uh yeah..." I look at her and she had her hair half pastel pink and the other black, she had light green eyes and freckles across her face and dimples as she smiles with a side nose piercing.

"My name is Soo jin! Buy my friends call me Jin, well if I had any friends..." she smiles nervously.

"My name is myung, and I could be your friend if you want" she gets happily smiling brightly.

"Yes I want to!" she hugs me then grabs he notebook. "Would you like to go somewhere with me today?" she opens the book and I see pictures filled of stickers.

"Uh sure but where?" she opens to a certain page filled of pictures of the kpop boy, guess she loved him too like everyone else I don't get what's so great about this guy.

"To meet Park Hyung, I want to get his autograph! Please come with me I need help getting it and I'm a nervous reck when it comes to asking for things, I sigh then nod.

"Sure why not" she smiles brightly and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you thank you!!" I smile then pat her back, and I didn't realize doing this thing could change my life soon...