New Beginning

"You okay?" Park Hyung places his hand on my shoulder then I look up at him. He smiles softly as the rest of the crew gets ready for the photoshoot.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine" I force a smile then look up at him.

"Okay good because I need my clothes so can I have them please?" he smiles nervously at me.

"Oh yeah of course" I give him the clothes from my arms and he takes them going to his dressing room and changes.

"Myung!" he calls me in as he puts on the clothes, I assumed that something was wrong so I open the door quickly and he was putting on the pants still and I blush covering my eyes embarrassed.

"Uh... You called?" I look down and he smiles as he buttons up the pants then puts on the shirt, he walks over to me and lifts my chin.

"Is my hair alright? Anything I'm missing you are my designer I need your opinion on these things" He smiles down at me and I turn dark red still embarrassed my heart beating quickly.

"Oh- yeah it looks good" I smile nervously then fixes his white tang top and unwrinkle his white pants.


My name is Park Hyung most people know me for well being a kpop singer and having a soothing voice. Ever since I was little my family has always been rich because my father had worked with many companies as for my mother she was a model my siblings each took turns and learn from our parents to help take their place as generations had did. However I always wanted to do something different.

"This is ridiculous can you believe your son? He wants to become a singer then what make us go poor just as the rest of those people?" my mother yells from her room as my dad just sits there and agrees with her I sat in my room which was close to theirs the walls thin enough to hear their conversations.

"I know! We still have beom seok to take over before he does he will change his mind by then" ever since then any music I had they threw away and my father made me learn things about business, they would never let me watch anything that included music or singing and when I do sing they would yell at me and lecture me.

"That's enough Hyung we don't want you to follow this silly dream of yours you will never make it so stop trying! Your just a disappointment" my mother looks down at me in disgust and I look over to my father to see if he would help me but he sat there on the couch shaking his head in


However I still continued believing that I can prove them wrong, so I continue singing in private places till I was finally heard by someone Min Jun my manager. He signed me into the music industry and he was the one who took care of me since then I haven't seen my family since then but they never even tried to contact me. The day of the meet and greet I was super nervous because as I walked in I saw many girls crowded and I was hoping I didn't get attacked so as I sat down and signed some I noticed a boy coming my way.

"Who is this going out to?" I smile brightly at him and he seemed kind of cute and I was surpised a boy like him would could eve like me, well probably only because im famous, I never dated someone since I was always busy with my singing career. My manager had nothing against me dating and tried to set me up but all the girls weren't my type, and when I saw this boy my hear skipped a beat.


"Hyung? Hello? You there?" I wave my hand across from his face and he shake his head smiling.

"Oh yeah sorry zoned out there for a bit" he looks down at me I looked at him confused and my heart starts to beat faster as he leans in a bit closer.

"Okay! Time to start the photoshoot!" I walk away quickly turn red and he smiles brightly. He walks over to the photoshoot session and I look at him smiling proud the outfit I chose for him then he catches me looking and winks. I turn away quickly turn away again and my heart bangs loudly in my chest, and I think to myself ~Why am I feel this way, I'm probably just tired from last night~ I take out the necklace my mother gave me from my shirt and hold onto it.


"Hyung?Hello? Are you there" I see his hand close to my face and I shake my head and as I see his face and I think to myself ~he is so cute~ I smile brightly down at him.

"Oh yeah sorry I zoned out for a bit" I look down at him and my heart starts to beat again like the time I first saw him~he is so adorable I just want to kiss him~ I start leaning down getting closer to his lips till.

"Okay! Time to start the photoshoot!" he walks away and I smile rolling my eyes looking back at him ~so close but he does look even more adorable when he is flustered~ I go over to start the photoshoot and half way through I catch him staring and I smile winking at him, he turns away and I smile brightly then continue the photoshoot, maybe I can ask him to get dinner after this hopefully.

*End switch*

After the photo shoot ends I grab my things ready to leave and spend some time at home choose to eat a whole bucket of ice cream and watch movies while I stick with my depression as my company till.

"Hey Myung....?" hyung comes over to me nervously and I turn looking up at him.

"Yes?" I hold onto my mothers necklace which always helped me stay happy in situations well besides what I will be doing throughout the weekend.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to grab dinner with me?" he smiles at me the. looks down nervous.

"Well I was planning to just stay at home and eat ice cream till I fall asleep,so why not?" I smile then he looks up excited and hugs me.

"Okay! Thank you!" he stops for a moment then he holds my hands. "Well if you want we can go to your place and just order food it will be more relaxing and we can just hangout longer" he smiles at me then I roll my eyes.

"Fine come on we gotta hurry before anyone sees you" he nods then grabs my hand, I blush then walks quickly to the parking lot and to my car, he gets in the passenger seat and I go I to the drivers then looks ahead and sees one of the fans point at us then a whole crowd of girls start running towards us. I back out quickly then drives off before they got us, they chased the car for a while till they got tired and we headed into the traffic. I focused on the road as I put my hand in between us and he tries to be slick putting his beck to me our hands slowly touch, he wraps his finger around mine as he looks down on his phone trying to play it cool.

"So what do you want to eat?" he goes on some food websites strolling through some food.

"I dont mind anything but if it costs a lot I can make us some food instead I don't want to seem like I'm spending your money and using you for it." He smile brightly at me then holds my hand then kisses it.

"Alright anything you say babe" he continues to scroll through his phone and I look at him shocked.

"Excuse me? I ain't your babe you haven't even asked me out yet, nor actually know me so calm your dick down sir. I ain't that easy" he laughs then looks at me. I raise my eyebrow confused then look at him "Is this a joke to you sir?"

"No it's just I never met anyone like you and everytime you play hard to get it makes me want you more" I roll my eyes then focus on driving.

"Whatever pretty boy" he makes fun of me throughout the ride and as we made it to my house a pain came of what happened to my mother but then is see some man at my door.

"Excuse me can I help you?" I get out then walk over to him he had a paper in his hand seemed to be those old fashion dudes from 1950.

"Oh yes are you Myung?" I go up to him as Hyung stays behind me putting his hand on my waist, I smack it away then crosses my arms.

"Yes why?" I glare at him and he smirks at me.

"Well I came to tell you this house is no longer yours seems like your mother was living her illegally and you must move out by tonight.

"What?! I have no where else to go, please you can't so this" he chuckles and shakes his head.

"I can and I will so find somewhere or else you will be living in the streets like you and your mother should of been....." I clench my fist looking at him he laughs and continues "Where your mother should of died" I raise my fist and hyung holds me back as I try to attack him.

"FUCK YOU, I WILL KILL YOU, DONT YOU EVER SPEAK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY MOTHER YOU ASSHOLE" he laughs leaving then I sigh holding back my tears.

"Hey its gonna be okay" hyung let's go of me then turns me putting his hand on my cheek.

"I have no where to go and I have no one left all my memories where growing up here and..."

"Move in with me" hyung looks down at me with a serious look and I look up at him laughing then I stop when I see his face.

"For real?" he nods and I shake my head "it's okay you dont have to" I look down then walks back holding my arms clenching a bit.

"No I want you to and I'm not taking a no for an answer" he pulls me closer to him and lifts my chin, once again his lips were close to mine and my heart to beat loudly and my hand goes on his chest and I can feel his hear beat the same way...