
Chapter 03.

Baby Steps

by trishii

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Asia's POV :

Days flew by as quickly as they started. I've began to learn a lot since I've been reborn as a marquess' daughter. The few weeks I had been by Marquess Frederick's side, the better I've come to understand what was currently happening in this point in time.

But what was most important was the hours that I spent with him. He was a loving father, more than anyone could ever dream of. Having someone take a look at you from time to time even when he had loads of work to do, it really shows how I'm special for him.

And I've started to like Diane and Olivia; the two young women who have been taking care of me every day. They've made sure to always do their best to keep an eye on me so my father wouldn't have to worry especially when I was unique case.

I was considered a 'miracle baby' as my mother; the late Marchionne Renesme Chamberlain had a weak body and immune system which ended up with her being bedridden most of her short life, especially after giving birth to three boys. I've heard plenty of stories about my strong mother that I had hoped I could have met even if it were only once.

I heard all the stories from Diane. She was very fond of my mother, stating that she was not only the kindest but the most forgiving out of everyone she had ever met, unlike any other woman throughout her century.

And that was the sole reason why I made I now have an absolute goal that I've been working on for the past few weeks, and that was to grow as quick as possible so I could take care of my father in my mother's stead.

However, it's gotten to be quite a problem when I wasn't able to overwork my tiny body. From what I could come up with, due to being born into this world a little to early, I was a premature baby who was 2 months ahead of time before I was supposed to come out, which caused not only multiple health problems regards to my physical health, but it made Father fearful of the possibility that I would die while I was under his care.

From what I could find out from what Olivia keeps on rambling about, since I was too weak for my own good that my father called for a Royal Mage to cast a sleep-induced coma on me inside a heated and dark room so I could rest without end and grow stronger. And the first time I opened my eyes, when the spell finally ended, I was already two months old.

All the more reason to start being serious and get back to locomotive training when four months have already passed while I was in this body. From what I could remember about my past life, my parents exclaimed that I was a genius by the fact that I had already learned how to walk and talk at eight months old.

And as soon as I turned 1, I could already comprehend questions, learn numbers, and numerous regional languages that I managed to hear while I was living in the streets full of interracial communication, which was the only bargaining chip they had to sell their own child for some quick buck.

And now that I'm six months old, I'm eager to have full control over my own body. Especially when I can't wait to finally talk and see my other family members. I've become stronger and bigger as days passed while making sure I don't get sick from forcing myself to stay awake when I need sleep and drink as much milk as I could. Though, I'm still sure that my father believes I'm a fragile object that could break easily.

Like the other day, he wouldn't let go off me when there was no Diane or Olivia keeping me company. The last time I tried to force myself to get up on my two feet, he quickly carried me and put me back on my back, scared that I might 'fall' on my butt hard enough that could result to a bruise. I felt different with the way he protected me, but seeing how it's all unconditional love, I could help but want more in all honesty.

Another objective of growing stronger quickly was so that I could finally meet my brothers. From what Diane had asked father multiple times while they were still in my room was that if they could let the young masters finally meet me.

Since I was too weak when I was newly born, my brothers never got the chance to meet nor see me. Our father wouldn't give them consent all because of the possibility that they might bring different types of bacteria that could potentially harm me like my mother did.

Though I'm pretty sure that won't happen, seeing how he's been popping in and out of my room every single day after he spent his days if not outside or in his office, meeting numerous people in a daily basis.

But Marquess Chamberlain was a stubborn man. So there's no other choice but to learn as fast as I could possibly can.

As soon as my father bid farewell and stated that he was going to come back later in the afternoon, I took this as a chance to get started on my mission.

With all my utmost strength, I force myself to get to my side so I could flip myself through. Though, even before I could even go on my side, it has already deemed hard for me to achieve.

But no, this can't do! I have to work hard. Even just once. I only need to roll over once starting from this day before I could start standing up and eventually walk without holding anything to support me.

This is the first obstacle to a better life. I can't just stop right now. Especially when I've been wanting to meet my older brothers for too long.

With another push with all my might, I quickly roll over from my back onto my tummy. Olivia who was watching me since earlier had her eyes wide open and quickly ran outside.


I'll get to meet my brothers soon enough. I couldn't help but smile at the idea as I gasped for breath due to the amount of energy I used just to roll over. I didn't know how hard this was. You can do this. You'll get to reach your goal sooner than later.

Baby steps.