Crossed her limits

"Ahhhh," Amy screamed out of pain and collapsed down on the floor 

With her vision turning blurry and the strange kind of feeling hovered her body, Amy couldn't help but close her eyes. 

Andy widened his eyes in shock and turned only to find Amy on the floor 

"Babe, what happen?" Andy asked while holding her in his hands 

When Andy noticed a pool of blood in his hands, Andy gulped and tried to wake her up "Wake up babe, get up, you can't be unconscious. Please get up." 

Pointing the gun towards Amy once gain, Clara chuckled and said "Poor Amy." 

Just then someone grabbed her neck and pulled outside before calling Erik 

"Sir, Amy madam got shot." The man said and hanged the call

"Babe, babe, please get up," Andy shouted while tapping her cheeks 

Just then Ryan and others walked towards them and widened their eyes in shock. 

"Amy," Lisa shouted before squatting in front of her