
"Thank god, I escaped from those rituals. It will be hard for him to stay away from my hubby." Amy helplessly shook her head and said

"Oh, I just forget to tell you, I bought cupcakes for Andy," Lisa said and took out a box 

"I want to taste it," Amy said and took the cupcake only to feel irritation in her stomach again 

"Yuck, This taste sucks babe," Amy said and rushed towards the washbasin 

"What? But they are tasty." Lisa said while shoving cupcake in her mouth

"How can you eat such unsweetened cupcake?" Amy rolled her eyes and said

"Unsweetened? Babe, they have lots of sweet in it." Nina sighed and said

Amy took a deep breath and said, "Maybe I am feeling that way because of continuous vomiting."

"What happen to you?" Nina asked while holding her hand