A Pill

Luo no longer continued the debate since she was too busy absorbing everything that happened a while ago. A lot of things were going inside her head, baffling and confusing her. A lot of questions were doing rounds and even making her panic.

'Is it really possible that he was jealous?' She mumbled trying to interpret Noah's reaction. Maybe Lana was right. Noah probably liked her… and whatever he said was not only because of the sexual tension between them?

She heaved a long sigh then sneaked side glances at Noah. He looked calmer now compared to before.

He was too focussed on driving and looked handsome even with a little stern look on his face… Luo was busy sneakily admiring his beauty when her mobile phone rang and she saw it was Daryl. 

She was about to answer her phone but was suddenly startled when Noah, in a quick motion, snatched the phone from her hands and answered it before she could say a single word.