Lick It

Luo bit her lower lip, then sighed as she turned off the television. A while ago she was shocked and nervous seeing the scandal that broke out about Liam and Lana, blaming them for suicide of Rio Tang. She finally relaxed when she saw the press conference by the Sy Law Firm and was really glad to see how Liam had managed to turn the situation upside down this fast.

She was a little worried for Noah because she was afraid some idiotic reporters might even frame Noah's firm for this, since the two firms were head on with each other and were constantly competing for being number one. She was sure that Liam would not think ill of Noah, but those who wanted to spark some fire would stoop to any level for their selfish interests.

She stood up and looked at the wall clock. Soon it would be time for Noah to arrive home, since he called earlier informing her he would be home early that day.