When An Old Man Falls In Love

"Maybe your husband really wants to enjoy your company for a few months. Give him some time dear. I mean having a child is the greatest gift of life, but then with it comes great responsibility. I'm not sure too, but what I can say is that try putting yourself first in Noah's shoes. He grew up practically alone right? His father had been the nightmare of his life. 

The way his father dealt irresponsibly towards him might have made him reluctant in taking such a decision, maybe he's just afraid of taking this responsibility for now?" her mother justified, trying to neutralize the situation so her daughter could feel relaxed a little and understand things from Noah's perspective too.

"He said he is not ready to become a father yet, so I think he has insecurities deep in his heart since he grew up without a father. I mean, yes his father is alive, but he lived all alone right since his mother died!" Luo's mother added and Luo nodded.