I Will Not Let Go

At Yang hospital

Senior Sy visited Chelsy who was almost recovered now.

"The doctor said you can be discharged as early as today," he informed with a smile as he sat beside Chelsy's bed.

"Ram. I will surrender myself. I'm willing to pay for the crimes I committed." Chelsy commented.

"Getting the police involved in family matters is the last thing Liam would want. The atmosphere in our country right now is not really good Chelsy because of the up-coming elections. Liam will do the needful. In the meantime, you will be under the protection of the military with the help of a private security under Liam." Senior Sy informed.

Chelsy did not comment because Sy's family would know what was best to do. She had already learned her lesson.

"Ram. That man… The one Liam showed me. Who is he?" Chelsy asked.

Ram sighed and thought it would be best if Chelsy knew about the story since she was already connected with what was happening.