Back Home With You

Soon Lana reached the restaurant Luo told her about. She parked her car in the parking lot and entered the dining hall of the restaurant. As soon as she stepped inside and swept her eyes to search for the right place to sit, her gaze landed on that familiar handsome face that she had been missing ever since she left. 

A hint of melancholy passed in her eyes as she saw Liam sitting in front of a beautiful woman, talking to her. She felt jealous and wanted to go and claim her husband from that witch right away. But… what rights did she have to do that? 

Lana gulped thinking what she'd do if Liam stood against her to protect that woman. She had to take things slow and so she walked towards an empty table a little away from Liam's. She could feel the tightening of her chest as she walked to her table seeing how that woman smiled and talked to Liam trying to seduce him with her actions.