A Shortcut

"How about you accompany me to the garden while these three talk about matters with the company…" Luo commented to Liam who agreed and followed Luo instead, while Lana, Noah, and Kyle went to the living room to talk about company matters.

"I'm really glad to see you two together…" Luo said with a smile as soon as she sat on a chair with Liam in their garden outside.

Liam did not comment, so Luo continued, "I know you must have been mad with my sister. Lana is actually very different from me. I am vocal and she is not. 

We talked that day when she came back. I'm sure that until now she hasn't told you any reason at all why she left. She probably does not know how to start…"

"Did she tell you why?" Liam whispered and Luo nodded.

"I want to accept her back, Luo, but I'm really scared that she would again leave if something like that comes up…" Liam opened up.