Speaking of ‘Grey’

Jorge rushed towards Miley who was inside her office. She was sitting on her chair and still sniffling when he entered. As soon as she saw him, she lost control over herself and her eyes teared up again.

"What happened? What's going on?" he asked as he ran towards her. He was so worried that he inspected Miley from head to toe, thinking she was hurt somewhere. Miley was still sobbing and couldn't say a word.

He kneeled in front of her and with a worried expression asked again, "Miley what is it? What's going on? Why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere? Is something aching in your body?" 

He kept asking. His anxiousness melted Miley. 

Miley shook her head and pulled Jorge to stand up then she hugged his waist and murmured, "I'm sorry…" Her eyes were full of tears and she was shaking.

Jorge pulled Miley on the sofa and waited till she calmed.

"It's me who has a problem. I just got the result of our laboratory."