The More The Merrier

At Yu's Residence.

"Why did he even bother to recommend that Sarah to you?! No way, I don't like her. The fact that she bullied my sister is not something that I will easily forget…" Luo burst when Noah mentioned about him hiring Sarah.

"She's a really good lawyer. One of the best actually, so Liam wanted me to employ her instead of other firms. Liam said she's harmless," Noah added. He explained to her how Sarah accidentally found Lana's personal records that were all over Liam's table when she entered his office without permission. 

"Well, she could be harmless and I understand that she was a new employee back then. Her seeing Lana's file by accident is forgivable but she dared to take advantage of it and tried to mess with my sister using her nasty tongue, so don't you dare hire her!" Luo warned him, squinting her eyes in his direction.