End Lana Huang

Gracy on the other hand drove her car towards the detention center where Bill was held at the moment. She heaved a deep sigh before she got out of her car. Keeping her head high, she walked inside the detention center to visit Bill as requested by Bill himself through his lawyers. 

She was actually surprised that Bill suddenly requested for her presence because she thought given the current situation, it would be best for all of them to lay low. So she intentionally did not see Bill ever since she was released from the interrogation of the military to avoid suspicion.

She immediately stood up and hugged Bill tightly as soon as he entered the room.

"Oh, God. I can't wait for you to get out. I can't bear to be without you for too long. How are you doing inside? I'm making sure that everyone is working hard to let you out soon," she spoke without pausing but Bill did not make any comment.