Soon To Be Son-In-Law

The next day, Kyle woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around and found himself in an unfamiliar room. He sat on the bed and closed his eyes for a while.

He recalled Sarah was with him and brought him inside her car with the help of a waiter. 

"This must be her place," he guessed and chuckled at the thought that this was how Sarah was returning his favor, paying off her so-called debt.

He got down from the bed and walked out of the room. He found Sarah in the dining area, preparing the table.

"I'm sorry I troubled you last night," Kyle commented.

"Nah, it's okay. I did the same to you so we're equal now. Sit down and have breakfast. I made something for your hangover. You drank a lot last night." Sarah commented.

"Yeah…" Kyle murmured, recalling everything. Even if he was drunk, his mind would still be clear and he always remembered everything.