Men Are Beasts

Meanwhile, inside one of the private rooms at the department of justice, Ram was with Chelsy while they waited for Chelsy to be called as a witness against Gracy.

"Are you nervous?" Ram asked Chelsy as he held her hand. 

Chelsy gave Ram an awkward smile and shook her head.

Ram chuckled because he could feel how cold her hands were.

"You're nervous…" he whispered.

"No, I'm not..." Chelsy mumbled with pouty lips. She wanted to show Ram that she was brave especially when it comes to helping out Lana and Liam. But she was indeed somehow feeling nervous. 

She did not want to make any mistake or say anything wrong that would jeopardize everything. She often heard that lawyers were quite good at twisting words and asking questions that would sometimes mess with the integrity of your sentence or would cause you to stutter looking like you were not saying the truth.