Meeting You Is What Matters

At Sy Law Firm

Kenzie pouted her lips while she blankly stared at the wall clock. She was invited to the victory party at the Chan mansion but here she was, still working in the office.

"Stop getting distracted! I must finish this. Daryl needs this tomorrow," she murmured. Daryl was handling a very crucial case and she knew it was important that she finished it tonight. 

Time flew by so fast that she didn't notice it until her stomach started grumbling. Her face twitched when she looked at the wall clock. It was already past seven in the evening. She should have been at the party by now to have dinner and mingle with family acquaintances along with her father.

She bit her lower lip when her mobile phone rang. She got nervous, seeing it was her father who was calling her. She immediately got up to change her outfit into a semi-formal gown and then continued doing her work afterward since she was almost done.