For A Lifetime

"Kenzie?" Daryl whispered as soon as they were inside her bedroom. His breathing was ragged. Kenzie was clinging to him and it was both pleasure and torment on his nerves.

"Kenzie? Are you awake?" he asked as he approached the bed.

"Huh? Yeah, darling..." Kenzie answered sluggishly. 

'Darling' that word made him smile unconsciously. He liked how she called him darling.

He gently sat on the side of the bed while Kenzie straddled him all while snuggling her face to his neck.

"Are we inside the room?" Kenzie murmured. She was trying her best to stay awake. She felt bone-tired and a little drunk. It was all a part of her plan to have an excuse for her aggressiveness on their wedding night; maybe even to lose a few inhibitions...