I Can’t Lose Him

At Yu Building.

"OMG! I knew it!" Luo burst out when Sarah and Kyle handed her and Noah the invitation for their engagement party. 

"Knew what?" Noah teased his wife.

"Well, that these two will end up tying the knot," Luo answered with a grin.

"Congratulations!" Luo said as she hugged both Sarah and Kyle. The jubilation was interrupted by someone barging through the door.

"Brione?!" Luo gasped, startled on seeing Brione's condition. She was wearing a school uniform, she had probably gone straight there after the shooting for her current drama series. She was crying hard as she hugged her brother Noah tightly.

"What's going on?!" Noah asked in a worried tone and looked at his wife.

Sarah and Kyle left the room immediately, knowing that it was a family matter.

"Gavin… It's all over the news now. Big bro, please help me. We need to find him. He's on that ship… Majestic." Brione barely managed to say as she sobbed hard.