Lose Your One And Only Son

As expected everyone looked shocked when Cris introduced Daryl to the rest of the officers that morning, especially the Vice Chairwoman.

"Is this a prank Cris?" Lenny snapped as her jaw clenched. She looked at Daryl from head to toe, inspecting the young man in front of her.

"I'm afraid we don't have time to orchestrate a prank, Miss... I'm not sure how to address you so I'll just call you by your name. Unless of course, you want me to add an "aunt" before, it is not a problem for me. You can let me know whichever is comfortable for you." Daryl politely commented.

"Kenzie addressed me as Madame VC in the office just like everyone else and Aunt Lenny once outside the office so you can do the same. Why is it so sudden? Does brother Jack know about this?" Lenny questioned suspiciously.

Her eyes widened when she thought of something so she exclaimed, "Don't tell me Kenzie is pregnant!?"