My decision making Elina live with me is going good only for me not for my men and bodyguards, especially nick.
They still think that she will create a big problem for us in the future.
But I don't know why thinking of her gives me good feelings.
We still haven't found out where Marcus could be and what will be his next plans he is like Jerry who needs cheese to come out of his hole and that cheese is Elina but first I have to gain her trust and for that, I have to make my moves fast.
When she will realize that my motive is just to protect her nothing else she will start trusting me and it will be enough to destroy her brother.
Yesterday Sam messaged me, he said he will be here by next week.
Like I said earlier one after one people are coming to disturb me without any reason.
I don't want sam to meet Elina because he has a bad habit of babbling even he doesn't know about my plans he could tell so many other things to Elina that will create problems for me.
Anyway I am standing outside of Elina's bedroom but I don't know why I am "getting nervous? " nick completed what was going on in my mind.
"We are standing here from last 10 minutes are you going to knock on the door?" nick asked raising a brow.
"Ohh come on Why don't you just go and do your work now?" I groaned and he smirked.
"I am doing my work only to protect you from that short girl".
Yeah I accept that she is a little short, she came to my shoulder when we stand together but it's normal, right?
"whatever" I mumbled.
"do you want me to knock on the door for you?" he asked.
"What do you mean? Of course, I can do it"
"I don't think so "
"You-" I was about to yell him but then I hear footsteps from behind and when I looked back Elina was standing a few feet away from here having confusion look on the face.
She walked towards me having a smile on the face. There is no doubt that there is something about this girl that draws me closer to her.
"hey what you guys are doing here?" Elina asked quietly.
"Nothing just came to check if you need anything" I replied before nick could say something weird but still he shakes his head in no making Elina more confuse.
"Ohh okay thanks but I don't need anything" she replied weirdly while thinking something.
"Say it what's running in your mind?" I asked and her eyes went wide.
"Actually I was getting bored so I decided to go down for a walk but maids told me I am not allowed to go out," she said making me confuse.
I looked over to nick and he quickly looked at the wall another side to avoid my gaze and I understood who did this.
"I am so sorry but it's for the security purpose" of course I lie to cover up how could I tell her the truth that nick purposely did this because he has doubt on elina . " but if you don't mind we can go out for a walk" I changed the subject and she nodded.
I give death glare to nick Before going out with Elina but it doesn't affect him the stupid smile was on his face.
Definitely, I am going to kill this guy if he hasn't given me a good explanation for doing this shit without even asking me.
"where you wanna go?" I asked her and she thought for a few minutes before replying.
"Hmm..... What about the park?" she replied while smiling.
We arrive at a park that was near my house it was already filled with the locals, some kids were playing hide and seek and others are walking with their dogs. To be honest, I seriously hate crowd like this not only kids, adults are also yelling so loudly that can easily damage my ears.
But when I saw elina she was actually enjoying like she never saw anything like this before.
"Do you want to eat ice cream?" I offered her while pointing at an ice-cream van.
"Yess.... but I don't have money "she gives me sad smile and I shrugged.
"Like Seriously, Elina? I am your protector and it's my job to make you happy so just say which flavour you want?"
" Chocolate"
I brought two chocolate cone ice-creams for both of us. We sit on the bench near the tree and Elina was looking at kids who were playing in the dust. "Looking at those kids reminds me of Marcus we use to play a lot like crazy when we were kids I wish I could go back in the time" her voice clearly shows the sadness of how badly she is missing her brother Marcus.
"Don't worry everything will be alright he will come back soon" I am telling this to myself as well I just hope he came back soon so I could kill him, okay I am just kidding I don't want him to come back until I know about his intentions.
Suddenly a dog came running towards us, he jumped on me and licked my ice-cream. "who's a dog is this?! " I yelled and a young boy came with the belt of the dog in his hands.
I was angry until I heard Elina's laugh, she strokes that stupid dog on the head and he started to wave his tail very fast as he saw her that young boy quickly put a belt on the dog's neck and pulled him away from me. "I am really sorry" that young boy said in to apologize for tone. "Don't you have-" I was about to scold that boy but Elina cut me off.
"It's alright just be careful from next time " she gives him a small smile and he smiled back to her before running away with his dog.
"Look at yourself " Elina chuckle looking at my clothes, I followed her gaze and there is some pawprint of a dog on my shirt that dog probably came from playing in the mud.
"Yeah let's go home," I said and she nodded.
When We walked back to my house it was already evening. I told a joke to elina and we both were laughing like crazy I dropped Elina back to her room before I make my way towards my room.
I am feeling damn exhausted I don't remember when was the last time I walked these much especially with someone like Eli na.
I was on the way of my room when I saw Nick walking towards his room and now the timing is perfect no one is here, now I could scold him for what the hell he did in the morning.
If I didn't cover up I end up embarrassing in front of elina because of his stupidity.