The story of The Big Buffoon

A small speck of fairy dust

Gave life to a story

Of a Man with broad back

Trying to be tact

With no knowledge of life

He thought

"I can make a living in the City"

Oh how wrong he was

A man in the City

Trying to meet ends

Fast forward a week

And there he ends

A struggling man I see

Trying to live his hardest

But everywhere he goes

No one gave a damn

And so the man gave up

And back to sea, he does

Living the remainder of his life

Til' he became fish dust

There, the Mermaid and the fishes

Sang to our big buffoon

"Oh child of Land, if only you're as bright as the sun."

"You'll see that neither man nor mer gave a damn."

Oh woe is me,

The big buffoon,

I should've tried,

Treasure hunting.

And there he goes

giving up his little shack

For shoddy gear

"This will bring me riches," He said.

Alas, wrong again, he was.

Trying to hunt for treasures

When even the deepest depths of the sea

Had been explored

Truly woe is he

No place to call home.

Without help.

Without friends.

And so, the mermaids and the fishes sighs.

"If only this buffoon learns."

"That there're no shortcuts."

"And there'll never be any shortcuts."

Thus ends the tale of the Big Buffoon

Who ended up trying his hardest

In the most stupid way

To find wealth where others had searched