

*Alarm* I wake up and look at my phone. 6:49 it read. I groan. "Keep going," I said to myself, "just another day."

As I head to my bathroom, I start to strip myself. When I get to the shower I turn it on, not caring if it's cold or hot. *15M later* As I get out, I look at myself in the mirror. 'Why', I thought to myself, 'why am I still here? What benefit do I have to keep going? What do I get in return?' I laugh, "Haha, why would I ask such a stupid question?" I wear a skinny tight black skirt with a white crop and black open jacket over revealing the cleavage and collarbone. I apply mascara and concealer not needing anything else. I grab my black boots and put my earrings in.

Until I'm satisfied with my look, I leave the bathroom and grab my backpack with my phone. As I carefully opened my door and looked up and down the hallway, I quietly closed it and headed to the kitchen. When I go down the stairs, I see a woman wearing a white silk nightgown that simply compliments her curves. Her black hair runs past her shoulders, and shines in the morning sun.

"Good morning mother…"

As she turns around with a smile plastered on her lips she replies, "Good Mor- Oh, it's just you," She turns back around and continues making breakfast. "What are you doing here." Hearing her change in attitude towards me I take a deep breath in before answering.

"I came to eat, then I'll leave... without a word." I said.

She looks at the clock, "It's seven forty-five! I didn't pay for that shit of an education, if you'll always be late!"

I quickly stutter, "I-I know, but you didn't make enough dinner for m-me last night and I'm hungry." I said as I looked down at the ground.

She spins around and throws a spoon at me. I quickly duck. "You ungrateful brat! You're lucky you have a house and food! Stop acting like a weak, sorry, bitch, and head to school." Her stern voice rings in my ear as my eyes are wide from shock. 'I need food.'

I quickly get up and head to the door and leave. I wipe my tears and skateboard to school. 'Crap.' I thought. 'I need food.'

Now at school it's different. I'm popular.

I'm "friends" with bitches.

All the guys want me.

Although if one person knows your problems,

then everyone will know.

None of my friends know anything about my personal life.


And that's how I plan to keep it that way.

I just need to last till I graduate.




As I enter the school hallway, I'm met with whispers and glares and whistles.

"What's up baby."

"Date me!"


"She's pretty."

"Call me!"

When I arrive at my locker, I get my books and other belongings. When I close my locker I have my friend Rosé leaning on the locker next to mine looking at her nails.

"Omg, Nora did you here that Jennie had sex with a teacher in the guys locker room!"

"Omg, no way." I say full of sarcasm.

"I know what a slut," she scoffs.

Now you see Jennie is her best friend, whom she enjoys back stabbing.

"I just can't believe she would do that, I mean like any guy here, a teacher."

"Yea, no you're so right." I say turning to her and closing my locker. "What class do you have first?" I ask changing the subject.

"Oh! Um.." She grabs her schedule out of her bag, "Health. You?"

"English. I'll see you at my free block?"

"Yea… see you~ love you~"

"You too." I say while rolling eyes as I turn around.

When I enter my classroom, I go and sit in the back, away from my friends and take out my sketchbook. It's these moment I cherish the most. I'm in my own world. No annoying people sticking up my ass, just me and my sketchbook. To be fair, my sketchbook is my most prized possession. It's one of the things that always been with me through some of the worst times I've had. Each page is filled with my thoughts and emotions from over the years. So much has been drawn on these silky, pieces of paper. As the teacher enters the door and starts to teach, I sketch in my book about the previous morning event. Until, I start to feel the room spin.

I feel light headed, and I feel like I could throw up. 'Shit,' I thought, 'Not here.'

I calmly raise my shaking, hand and ask to go to the bathroom. My teacher gives me a signal to go, so I leave my sketchbook and quietly leave for the cafeteria. As soon as I am out the door, and fasten my pace and try to come off casual. My head spins and my vision is starting waver. I breath calmly stealing my heartbeat. Once I'm in the cafeteria, I almost sprint. I made my way to the vending machine.

As I entered the cafeteria I search for my wallet. 'No no no,' I thought, 'Where is it?!'

I couldn't find it. Suddenly, I felt the room spin again, and I rush to a chair to sit. I held my head. 'I need food. And I need it really soon.'

"Babydoll, what's wrong?"

'That voice?' I thought. 'Fuck myself.'

"Hey did you hear me?"

"Look," I said, calmly turning around to face him.

"Tae, go away and leave me alone." I said.

"Oh come on doll," he smirks, "I'm trying to talk to you-"

"No. Asking for sex is not talking with someone. Leave." I suddenly felt like I was gonna black out. I again quickly held my head.

Tae sits beside me and raising his eye brow at me. He holds my chin so I can look in his eyes. Concern is written in his expression.

"Hey, your pale, when was the last time you ate?" he asks rubbing his warm hand on my back attempting to comfort me,

'Two days ago,' I thought.

Then again I felt weak and my head almost hit the table, but I quickly caught myself. I held my head in my hands. Tae looked around the room, seeing if anyone was watching us. He rubs my back and whispers in my ear.

"Baby what's going on?" he said.

"S-sugar," I said, "I need sugar . . . now. Please.."

He stands up and goes to the vending machine close by and gets candy and a coke for me.

When he leaves I mentally curse myself for having him help me. I disliked him for everything he did to me, and how he acts but if I wanted this whole thing to end I needed sugar.

When he returns I chug the coke, and quickly stuff the skittles in my mouth.

"Doll, take it easy." He orders.

I knew I had to listen. After a while, I sigh in relief. 'I'm lucky,' I thought.

"You didn't answer my question."

"What?" I say looking in his eyes.

His eyes explain he's serious, "When was the last time you ate? You know I hate repeating myself," he says while running a hand through his hair.

My eyes widen and I gulp, "T-that's none of your business."

He chuckles, "None of my business?" he raises his voice. He gives a throaty chuckle. "I was hanging out with my friends and then saw you almost pass the fuck out." I frantically look around the room to see if anyone is paying attention, because the last thing I need is attention.

"So being the guy I am," he continues, "I go and see if you're good. Now let's not forget that you asked for my help doll." he says as he gives a bitter smirk to me. "You almost fainted in my arms, and if it was any other guy in this school, they would've raped you. It's the hard truth babe, but don't tell me it's none of my business, when it clearly is." The way he's talking to me, tells me he's being serious. But for some reason, it only makes me wanna punch him more.

I stand up and pass him to head back to class. I am a lot of things but stupid, so I didn't wanna start a fight with him. Angry was not the right word to describe how mad I was.

As I walk past him I feel him grab my wrist and turns me around to face him. "Dolly." He said. "Where do you think you're going?"

I finally look up at him. Since he's taller it's annoying for me to look at him. He just towers over me.

At that moment I studied his face. Smooth, gentle, handsome. And his eyes. The hazel eyes I get lost in. I quickly look at the ground. I was not ready to accidentally blush. I mean sure I'll be honest he's attractive, but that doesn't mean he's the best.

"Class." I say bluntly. I pull my hand free. Before I leave him, I say, "What happened a little while ago is between me and you only. I'll pay you back for the coke and candy. But no one should ever know about this incident," I say. "No one. And I'm not playing one of your games. I may not like you like every girl here, but at least I keep my mind straight. Wait, actually just forget about this, forget about me. Just don't talk to me."

Tae looked me straight in the eye. As he bites his lip and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue he says, "Alright, my mouth is sealed," he says before cracking a smirk. He gives me his signature smirk before turning around and waving me with his back facing me. At that moment I again studied his features. Broad shoulders, tall, fit, and a cocky stride to his walk.

Little did I know that from that point on

My life changed.