Joke Gone Wrong

I don't know what it was, but everything was going in slow motion. When I looked at her, I didn't know what happened. But I quickly caught her. There was a feeling in me. Maybe a gut feeling, or maybe more… I gently caressed her body in my arms. She was very pale, and cold. Maybe I was acting before thinking, but I picked her up and took her to the boys locker room. Maybe it was that I knew that this was urgent or I was just concerned for a classmate, but I didn't like this feeling. As I entered the locker room, I laid her down on a bench. I made sure she was comfortable then placed my hand on her heart and felt its pace. It wasn't normal and it was going slower than it should. I don't know why I was nervous but I started to sweat more.

I threw my shirt off cause it was making me too hot. I recalled that in health if someone faints you should hold their legs to their chest and gently put pressure. I held her legs and brought them up to her chest and applied pressure. As I continued doing this for a few minutes, I could see her eyes start to open.


The first thing I felt was my head. It was throbbing and it felt horrible. I fluttered my eyes open, and saw I was in a locker room. I moved my eyes around the room, then noticed a pair of beautiful eyes staring back at me. His gaze was full of so many emotions, but the one I saw was relief. He let go of his breath and hugged me suddenly. 'Why are you acting like this?' Without thinking I hugged him back. I could feel his heart racing, and him trying to steady his breathing. I reflexively played with his hair while my head was on his shoulder. I didn't know why I was doing this, but I felt like I had to.

"It's okay," I say as I release myself from the hug. "I'm fine Tae. . ."

Maybe it was the look he gave me that tugged on my heart, or the fact that he put his head on my shoulder.

"Can you continue to do that. . ." he said.

I froze. He could tell I was confused on what he was telling me to do. He held my hand and brought it back to his hair. "It's relaxing," he said. I smiled without knowing. 'I found his sweet spot.' I thought to myself.

I did what he wanted me to do for a while, but then I saw the clock above the entrance to the locker room. I stopped what I was doing and tried to leave. Tae seemed frustrated and mad. "I don't want you to leave yet," he said. He put both hands beside me trapping me between him so I couldn't leave him. "I want to stay like that for a while," he said while looking into my eyes fiercely. I nodded my head. He gave a slight smile of satisfaction. While I was sitting on the bench, he sat beside me then laid his head on my lap. He slowly brought my hand up to his hair, and started running my hands through it. 'Soft'. I thought. 'Very soft.' I looked away because I didn't want him to see me slightly blush.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"What?" he said looking up at me.

I turned my head to meet his eyes. "Thank you for helping a classmate out. . ."


Maybe it was the classmate part that struck him, but he felt off.

I slightly frowned, but quickly recovered.

"Anything for a classmate. . ."

I felt her trying to get up, and surprisingly I let her. She slowly stood up then left me there in the locker room.

'Right,' I thought, 'just for a classmate.' I aggressively punched the locker near me, and sighed. 'What's happening to me?' I chuckled to myself. I hold my head in my hands, and grab my shirt and leave.


'Thank god I left, I felt like I was suffocating.' As I leave I don't feel any better. I shouldn't have gotten up quickly. But I didn't want things to have gotten any worse than they already are.


After changing back to my other clothes, I go to my locker to drop off my things for lunch. Just as I close my locker door, Rosé is leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Things travel fast here," she says.

"What do you mean," I question.

"Why did Tae take you to the boy's locker room? Wait did you guys fuck!"

"What! No! Where the hell did you get that?" I say.

"Everyone thinks you get had sex."

'Fuck'. I thought. 'This is not what I wanted. Not at all what I wanted.'

"Well I don't really care. It's not like he's the hottest guy here," she says while bitterly biting her lip.

"Yeah. no totally," I say while looking at her.

"Well, I'm going. I'll see you at our table."

"Oh! Ok, bye~"

"Bye," I say while waving at her as I walk away with my back facing her."

'Fuck my life.' I thought.

As I sit down, everyone looks at me. "What," I say.

"Is it true? That you had sex with Tae?" says Alyssa.

"No. He just had to give me something." I said.

"But you were in there for so long, maybe even the whole rest of the period." stated Jennie.

"Well yeah, he had to return something to me."

"Oh… but everyone said you fainted and he took you to the locker room. I mean that's what everyone was saying when I arrived."

"We'll, I mean. I. I don't really wanna talk about," I said while looking at my hands.

"Wait did he take advantage of you!?"

"What the fuck! No! Oh my god no!" I scream.

The whole cafeteria goes silent and looks at our table.

Honestly at the moment I could fuck up someones face. I stand up and grab my stuff and leave. I run to my locker and grab my skateboard and go home.

'I just need to calm down,' I thought. 'But I feel so weak and vulnerable.' Even though I get a lot of attention, I was never used to it.

The closer I get to my house, the easier it is to see my step-dad's car.

"Hey. What are you doing here from school so early," he asks. I see worry, 'but why do you care so much,' I thought.

"Oh… well, I didn't feel well, so I came home early," I lied.

He rushes to me and holds his hand on my forehead.

"Oh no, what happened," he says quickly.

"I'm having cramps," I say.

I know for a fact he'll leave it at that. I walk away from him and go inside my house.

The second I close the door I am met with my mother.

"Why are you here?" she says.

"Nice to see you too," I say without letting my emotions be visible.

"I asked you a question."

"I didn't feel well." I walk past her to the kitchen. I know she won't start a fight with me, now that my step-dad is here. She wouldn't wanna ruin this picture perfect image we hold up. So I take my chance and grab a salad and a plate of steak from the fridge and take it to my room.

I slump on my bed and quickly eat everything. After a while I grab my phone and scroll on Insta. I see a new post from Tae with another girl. 'I think this is the longest relationship he's been in. Haha.' I didn't even realize I started looking through his account. Every post is him with another girl. 'Ha, such an Fboy.' I thought. But then, I accidentally liked a post.

'Holy shit,' I thought, 'Oh. my. fucking. god.' I quickly un-liked it, but it didn't change anything. He's still gonna get a notification that I liked his post. 'Whatever.' I thought.


After a long practice I got home I looked at my phone, and saw someone liked my picture of me and a girl. Claire or Carter or something, I forget her name though. I look at the notification, and see Nora liked it.

I chuckle to myself, 'This girl,' I thought.

So I texted her. [Are you stalkin' my Insta babe.]


Back at her house she showered and put on a crop top and sweatpants.

I look at my phone and see a text from an unknown person.

[Are you stalkin' my Insta babe?] It read.

Of course I knew who it was. The babe part gave it away.

[How did you get my number Tae? ]I replied back. I wait for an answer and surprisingly I get it much faster than expected.

[I have my ways princess,] he says back.

Now he's really starting to get on my nerves.

I hear a buzz from my phone soon after. I look at my phone.

[You didn't answer my question.]

I sigh, well now I'm fucked. I reply back with, [I guess you'll never know lol.]

[Haha, I guess I never will,] he says, playing along.

[Wyd?] He texts

]nothing u?] I say

[Gonna take a shower. So u sure u dont wanna have sex?] He says.

I chuckle. [yea i'm sure.] I replied back.

[Ok. Just checking. Save this number tho. We'll be talkin more.] He says.

I laugh and throw my phone on my bed. I hear a knock on my door. I walk to my door and open it. "Oh, Micheal, Hi," I say.

He laughs a throaty kind of laugh. "Call me dad."

"Oh, sorry I keep forgetting," I say with a bitter smile. "Why are you here?" I say getting to the point.

"Didn't your mom tell you…?"

"No, no she didn't tell me. Why? What is it?" I question.

"Well I'm moving in with you guys. She's been wanting this for a while, I'd imagine she'd tell you."

"Oh, we'll this is the first I've heard of it. But that's nice," I say with a sad smile.

"Yeah," He says while proudly smiling at me. But it slowly fades. "I wanted to talk with you," he continued, "about your relationship with your mom," he starts. "You see" he continues, "ever since I've been around, you guys seem to keep your distance and have a cold relationship. You guys never seemed to get along. I just want you to know I'm here for you and I'm talking to her about giving you more food."

"Wait." I realize. "How did you know about that!" I say quickly.

He sadly smiles at me. "Anyone can tell she doesn't treat you well, and I can see she doesn't feed you. You also have lost a lot of weight..... I'm just concerned for you Nora." He says.

I silently nod my head. "I'll um let you be then…" He gives me one last look before closing my door behind him.

I slowly walk back to my bed. 'This isn't good,' I thought. 'I don't want anyone knowing about me.'

"I'll just sleep on it," I say.