Changing Room

When we arrived at the mall there weren't many people there. We went inside and gathered in the center of the mall.

We all stopped walking and the guys turned towards me.

"Okay, so what is it that you need?" asked Aiden.

"Um, I just need more clothes to last for a while, and a couple shoes, and sweatshirts-"

"Don't worry we got you set on sweatshirts," says Liam.

"What do you mean," I question. He chuckles at me.

"We'll just give you ours," he says simply.

"O-oh okay," I say, sounding surprised. They all laugh at my reaction.

"Anything else?" asks Max.

"Yes, but I can get them myself," I say while turning slightly red.

After we went to many shops I got the clothes I 'needed'. Half of the time, if I looked at something they would just buy it for me. I kept telling them they really didn't need to do that. But they insisted. 'They really are a handful,' I thought. After all agreeing it was time for a break and to head to the food court, I asked if I could get my personal stuff.

"Yeah, no totally you can get what you need," says Aiden, "but you need Tae to come along with you."

My eyes widen. "B-but-" I started.

"I know it might be a little uncomfortable, but there are weird people here."

"Yea," agrees Liam, "but also looking like a snack, is asking for something unplanned to happen. Don't get me wrong you look great, but we're worried if something happens to you."

I nod my head as I understand their concern. I look at Tae and he's looking at his phone. "Let's go," I say to Tae. He looks at me and waits for me to take the lead. He walks beside me, and I admire him from the corner of my eye. He was tall, maybe 6'2 or above. And the band to his boxers were peaking from his sweatpants. He was very well built. His toned abs flexing each time he took a step.

I still couldn't believe he left the house without a shirt. But I mean I'm not complaining. I continue walking and looking for Victoria's Secret.

I walk in with Tae following behind me. I already knew what I wanted. For 20 minutes I was getting bras I wanted to try on. I asked an employee where the changing room was, and I was guided to a room. As if trying to be sleek and enter the changing room, I turned around and faced him. I chuckled, "No," I said, "just wait outside and I'll tell you when I'm done." He smirks at me.

"Oh come on baby girl, I know you want me in there with you," he says while biting his lip.

It kinda took a lot of effort to reject the idea. "No," I say simply.

He groans, "Whatever," he turns around and sits on a couch in the waiting room with his phone in his hand. I close the curtain and try on multiple bras for about 10 minutes. I especially found one I like, and realized my thong I was wearing was kinda matching. So I removed my skirt and saw what it looked like together. Not gonna lie, I was checking myself out. As I was busy, Tae rushed into my room, and quickly closed the curtain. I immediately turn around, and try to cover myself with my hands.

"Tae!" I say, "get the fuck out of my changing room!"

Tae keeps peeking out of the room, as if avoiding someone.

"Tae!" I say louder this time. He rushes to me and whispers in a low voice. "Keep it down doll." I still wasn't buying it. "Tae-" I start.

"Shhh! Look," he says, sounding annoyed, "I'm trying to avoid one of my ex'es. I just saw that she was an employee here. But little did I know that until a few minutes ago. We kinda locked eyes, and she started heading my way, so I quickly ran to you. Now she is looking for me, so do me a favor and keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut or I'll do it for you," he said while looking me in the eyes.

I still didn't believe him till I heard a female voice calling for Tae.

"Tae.. Tae.. where are you!" she screams. I could tell Tae was holding his breath as she started to come closer to our hiding spot. At that moment I realized how close he was to me.

"Tae… back away from me." I say.

Tae looks me in the eyes telling to shut my mouth, but I didn't. "Move-" I start, but was cut off with his soft lips on mine. He moved his lips slowly against mine, but as much as I didn't wanna give in, I did. I closed my eyes, and kissed him back. I followed his pace, as he bit my lip asking for entrance. I didn't give it to him though. So he bit a little harder on my lip, I let out a soft moan. He took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues met, and fought for dominance. The kiss was gentle and passionate. He held my bare, thin waist in his hands as he pulled me closer trying to get rid of any space between us. I ran my fingers along his defined abs then I brought my hands up to his hair and ran my fingers through it. His lips slowly went down to my jaw, and left soft, butterfly hickeys on my jawline, as he trailed his lips down to my neck. He moved my strap to the side so he could mark my collarbone. I let out soft moans. I leaned my head back in pleasure. I could feel the smirk from his lips on my skin. He brought his lips back up to mine, and kissed me gently. After a while, reality hit me. I quickly pulled away. I look down at my feet to avoid eye contact with him.

"Why would you do that?" I say.

"So I could shut you up babydoll," he says while smirking at my shy behavior.

"You could've put your hand on my mouth instead," I say while looking up to meet his gaze.

He lets out a low chuckle and cocks his head to the side. "I know," he says, "but I've been wanting to kiss your soft lips for so long," he says, smirking at me. I blush by his words. He steps away from me and opens the curtain checking if the coast is clear. "She left," he says, informing me. But I didn't care, my heart was still beating after all of it. He comes back and stands in front of me. He holds my chin so I meet his eyes. "I'll leave you be, so get changed, and meet me at the cashier," he softly kisses my forehead before leaving and closing the curtain. I slump on the wall and hold my hand over my heart. The only thing going through my head was how badly I wanted to kiss him again. I gathered myself, and changed back to my outfit. I meet Tae at the cashier, and he greets me with a peck. He holds me by my waist. I kept telling him he didn't need to buy all of it for me, but he insisted. He also insisted on holding all of my bags. I smiled at him, he was being very kind. I looked at him and he returned my gaze. I held his cheek then got on my tippy toes and gently planted my lips on his. I pulled away and smiled.

"What was that for," he asks while holding my waist so I'm closer to him.

"For being very nice to me within these few moments," I say. He chuckles at my response.

The cashier gave me the receipt and smiled at us both. We then headed to the food court to meet up with the guys. He had his hand intertwined with mine as we walked side by side. He kept playing with my fingers and my rings, but it was somehow cute.