Flashback pt.1

-5 Years Prior-

-September 5, XXXX-

It was the beginning of middle school for Nora. A new start. A new school. A new opportunity to start over. Her deep blue ocean eyes staring blankly at the passing traffic. From leaning so close to the glass, her calm breath grazed the window. She again turned her head to the other side looking at the flower shop beside her car. Letting a deep sigh escape her lips she closed her eyes.

Hearing her father's voice, she opens them. Her eyes fall onto a young man thanking the shop owner, before rushing to the car. He opens the passenger seat and turns around to face Nora.

"Sorry pumpkin, the wait was longer than I expected," he says while smiling at her.

"But," he continues, "I do have something for you." He brings his arm up to reveal a bouquet of white orchids. The once empty eyes widen in shock.

"You got these for me?" she says while a smile slowly creeps on her face.

He chuckles at her cuteness, "It's your first day of middle school, just a good luck present from me to you." He carefully gives them to Nora to hold. Seeing her happiness, a sad smile plays on his lips before turning around and crumpling a piece of paper.

"Take us to Nora's school William," he says before taking a second glance back at Nora.

"Yes Mr. McCann," he replies before giving a slight bow in respect with his head.

While on the road, Nora holds the flowers tight to her as if protecting them. Closing her eyes to take in the soft smell, her nerves die down the more she holds the orchids. As much as she was nervous, the thought that her father got them for her warmed her heart. Lately, Nora and her father have been distant. It was mainly him though.

She knew her parents have been fighting lately, but over what was not clear. For her to push aside these problems seemed best. Pretending that they weren't happening though was the hard part.

"Mr. McCann and Young Miss, we have arrived," William says while breaking the silence. Taking Nora out of her daze, she turned her head to see the high class school. William got up and went around the car to the back for Nora. Opening the door, Nora got out and joined her father. Holding the flowers tight to her chest, she looks up at her father in a nervous manner. Receiving a calm smile, her nerves lessened.

Crouching down to her level, he holds her cheeks and kisses her nose. "You will do great. Just remember to be yourself," he smiles. Nora staring back into his eyes gives a determined nod.

Chuckling at her cuteness he kneels on one knee and places a ring on her finger. Confused at his gesture she questions him.

"Dad? What are you doing?" Her brows furrow.

"This ring was mine when I was younger. It is my second gift to you." He smiles again, but his eyes don't meet his beautiful, white teeth. "For you to remember me by," he adds with a melancholy tone. Looking back at the ring on her finger she again is confused by him.

"What do you mean? Of course I will remember you," she laughs. "I would never forget you, for as long as I live," she says while looking back at the ring. Although the ring falls off from her finger onto the ground. Nora frowns and picks it up. "It doesn't fit me."

Mr. McCann gently takes the ring from her soft fingers and removes the necklace around his neck before lacing the ring on it. He stands and swiftly moves behind Nora. Bringing the necklace to the front, he clips the necklace in the back together. Nora places her hand over the necklace and fiddles with the ring. Coming around to face Nora he gives a tight hug to Nora. "I love you. You know that right?"

"Yes. I know you love me," she smiles, "and I love you." Giving a quick peck to her dad she laughs. Mr. McCann joins in. "Here let me take these home and put them in a vase for you." Nora nods her head and hands the flowers over to her dad.

"Alright, now you walk in there with you head held high, and make some friends."

Nora gulps but gives a quick nod. William hands over her backpack and gives a warm smile before waving his hand. "Have a good day, Young Miss."

Nora returns the smile, "You too William!"

She turns her head and fixes her gaze on the entrance of the school. Her feet move leading her towards her new school. While edging closer she turns her head to give a final goodbye to her father. "Bye dad! I love you!"

Giving a sad smile he says, "I love you too pumpkin. Go before you're late." Quickly turning around she runs inside starting a new chapter of her life.

While staring at her fragile figure, Mr. McCann holds onto every moment of her. Keeping this very moment in his memory of her, he holds onto them as it is the most precious moment he wants to remember. Her beautiful smile, and her bright eyes. If only he knew it would be a long time before she regained that smile again.