crying while getting drunk under the moonlight

When Han bilu and Lu Man walked away few minutes later, there was a visible smile on Han bilu's face. she walked while swinging her and Lu Man's hands which were linked together,clearly showing she was in a good mood.

But the same couldn't be said of Lu Man who looked worried for her friend and couldn't help but persuade "Bilu dear, are you really sure about this,you know there's still time to back out now, right?.... If you want, I can help you to apologise to CEO Zhang and President Su. we can simply tell them you were just kidding,and that you were simply a bit tipsy,and didn't know what you were spouting. My brother is friends with CEO Zhang, and am sure on his behalf, he won't be too hard on us". Lu Man looked hurriedly at her friend who didn't seem the slightest bit worried about her situation.

"Apologise for what? and who said I was joking,I clearly meant each and everything I said back then!" Han bilu said while looking at her friend. After seeing her friend's worried look, she knew Lu Man was just saying that because she was worried for her. So she softened her tone and hurriedly consoled her friend who was on the brink of tears, judging from her red eyes that could spill water at any moment.

"I'm sorry Manman. I know you're very worried about me and that you find every of my actions and the decisions I took today strange. I know that you're very curious and I probably shouldn't conceal the reason for my changes from you,and trust me sweetheart, I will explain everything to you when the time is right. You will properly understand things better by then without me saying anything. But for now, I really can't tell you much. it's for your own good,and mine too"

Looking at her friend Lu Man seriously in the eyes, Han bilu continued "Until then, no one can find out about my actions tonight and the deal I just had with CEO Zhang. You know what I mean right? you can't tell anyone, not even our friend Xinyi."

Looking at her friend's stern look, Lu Man knew her friend was very serious this time around. She might be a very playful and chatty person but she also knew how to read the situation. she might not know what her friend was concealing from her,but she can already guess the overall situation and knew things were probably more complicated than she imagined. Whatever it was though, her only job as a best friend to Han bilu was to believe and support her friend in her decisions. With that thought in mind, she took Han bilu's hands, while looking at her friend with a clear and determined gaze declared

"Bilu dear, you don't have to worry, I promise you that no one would find out about tonight, atleast not from me .And you don't have to worry about me, just do what you have to do. You just have to remember that I'll always be behind you to support and cheer you on when you need the strength. My shoulders would always be here for support when you feel tired and need to rest your head. And most of all I'll always be here to cry with you,while getting drunk and cuddling under the moonlight,airing out our grievances against the world.and then waking up with a banging headache in the morning and tearing up again! while complaining how unfair the world is,and how unfortunate we are, to not wake up to that special someone, who would wait for us to wake up with a sober soup in hand, and kissing us good morning. That someone who could coax our sorry ass and give in to us whenever we feel aggrieved"

Seeing Han bilu tearing up all of a sudden, Lu Man couldn't help but playfully add "And I'll also always be there to kick some asses with you whenever you need me to. Just let it be someone we both can handle though! But even if we can't handle it, we can always drag my brother to settle things for us~" Lu Man couldn't help but roll her eyes at the thought of her overbearing brother while muttering "who asked him to be my brother"

when she heard Lu Man's last line, Han bilu couldn't help but chuckle. she still remembers Lu Man's brother; Lu jungli dark and helpless look whenever he had to settle the problems created by Lu Man and Han bilu after getting drunk. "who asked me to be her brother, sigh.. I must have owed her in my past life that she came to collect the debt in this life" Lu jungli would always helplessly mutter. But she had to admit that he was very good to his sister and was one of the best brothers out there one could wish for.