Silent confrontation

Everyone turned to Han bilu waiting to know her decision.

Chen Mubai and Han Lina both held their breath and looked intently at Han bilu. Chen Mubai even gave her a look of disapproval and put on a cold demeanor trying to intimidate her into cowering.

If this was some days ago,upon receiving the look of disapproval from Chen Mubai, Han bilu would instantly turn docile and obey whatever he said, just so he wouldn't be dissatisfied and get angry with her. But that was then! If he thought she'll succumb that easily to his subtle threat,then he must be overly full of himself!.

She might have always obeyed and seemed afraid of his cold and dark look but that was because she genuinely loved him and didn't want to make him unhappy. But it looks like he clearly took it that she was a coward!.

one.....two...three minutes

Two people stood there confronting each other with their gazes. There was a deafening silence in the room that even the drop of a needle would be heard. They were all silently complementing this young girl who could hold Chen Mubai's cold gaze without cowering.

One had to know that not many people in the industry would dare to challenge Chen Mubai or look him in the eyes, whenever he had on those dark and cold gaze that would make anyone cower and become fearful.

But this young girl was able to do it for a couple of minutes now without backing down! she really deserves some accolades!.

Four minutes.....Five

After seeing that Han bilu wasn't obeying him as usual, but was rather matching his gaze with the same coldness, Chen Mubai was shocked. He couldn't relate this young girl who was emitting such a cold aura to the kind and docile Han bilu who was always a happy to go girl...

Han Lina finally couldn't take it anymore seeing Chen Mubai looking so intently at Han bilu, so she broke the silence.

"Alright Bilu stop throwing tantrums now, come home with us. We can talk about everything once we are home. Stop EMBARRASSING yourself here just because you feel jealous." Han Lina put more emphasis on the word 'Embarrassing' because she wanted everyone to think that Han bilu was just acting spoilt and throwing a tantrum because she felt jealous of her being with Chen Mubai who was her crush since childhood. That way no one would take whatever she just said serious.

Han bilu knew what Han Lina was thinking when she made that statement. she knew that if she really left there without adding more fire to her accusations then these socialites would no longer take her serious and may even push forward the narrative of her being a foolish and spoilt princess,as everyone in the circle already had the notion that she was nothing but the Han corporation spoilt princess who is known only for her looks.

So she mustn't allow that! even if it meant exposing certain secrets...

"Sister Lina how can you say am embarrassing myself, and what do you mean by am jealous?" Han bilu asked Han Lina with trembling voice. she looked at her with watery eyes and one could imagine how hurt she felt just by looking at her.

"You know clearly how much I've always loved brother Mubai. I always told you everything about us including what we did on each and every one of our dates. I even told you I wanted to work more hard and study architecture so I can be of help to brother Mubai in the future, and you told me not to bother changing my lifestyle because he loved me for who I was and might not like the 'change' me. Or have you forgotten that too. you told me that less than a week ago, remember?"

Stealing a glance at Chen Mubai from the corner of her eyes,Han bilu continued with an innocent look..

"And why would elder sister think am jealous of you? am clearly just mad at you guys for cheating on Jason and I ". "Putting aside the fact that am your younger sister, how could you do this to Jason! That guy clearly loves you a whole lot and would do anything just to please you. you claimed to also love him alot too and was planning to convince Daddy to set your marriage with him after my engagement with brother Mubai. Especially since you guys are expecting my little nephew so why would you do this and betray our trust".

Han bilu continued while shaking her head sadly "And to think you are frolicking around while still pregnant with my little nephew... what message would you be sending to the child, aren't you afraid your child will hate you when he grows up and finds out you cheated on his dad while being pregnant with him".


Han Lina was shocked silly and couldn't react at all.

Chen Mubai was stunned,and despite being smart couldn't process what Han bilu said. He was about to ask Han bilu what she meant but what happened next left him speechless.
