
The room became silent for sometime as everyone was deeply dumbfounded with the turn of events. They didn't think that someone could actually match Chen Mubai's words with the same energy, leaving him tonguetide!

This is probably the first time ever,they all saw Chen Mubai so speechless and helpless.

Mind you, Chen Mubai is the kind of person who was always in control of everything. No matter the difficulty and how chaotic things get, he always manages to handle it well and calmly without any fret. This made many young guys admire and look up to him as their idol while the women see him as a prince charming.

But now, seeing him wearing a frustrated and helpless look they couldn't help but admire the two young girls who could challenge and confront the him without any fear. And that slap.... woah! that was legendary. Many of the gossipy socialites couldn't wait to get out and broadcast the news to their friends.

Looking at the two people whom she genuinely loved and cared for. Remembering how they were making out few minutes ago when she entered the room, Han bilu felt sick in her stomach. And to think they didn't even show any signs of remorse,even after knowing she saw them making out! But they are instead trying to cajole and suppress her into going back home with them.A place where it would be easy to manipulate her with the help of the Han couple. But alas....

Thank God she's finally seen the light!!!

She'll make sure to thwart all their plans while getting her revenge slowly!

With that thought in mind....

"Brother Mubai, Sister Lina, I'm sorry if you were offended by my slap.I was just too hurt by the fact that you both can betray my trust and love." Said Han bilu while struggling to hold back her tears. But was unsuccessful as a few tear ran down her beautiful face making her look more pitiful. Many guys present there was tempted to just hug and coax her. She aroused their protective instincts with her current white Lotus look. Even the ladies there found themselves drawn to how somehow, they couldn't help but want to protect and defend this beautiful and innocent little girl.

Everyone of them all turned to the atrocious couple, staring daggers at them. Most of them started murmuring and making snide remarks about them. Even though it was a murmur almost everyone could still hear what they were saying because the room was unusually very quiet. One of the ladies even made a remark saying "who needs to look out for a vixen near their man when they have a sister like Han Lina at home" with that, all the other ladies also started shipping in their own thought while looking at Han Lina with so much disgust.

Han Lina felt so humiliated with the comments and stares from the ladies. If someone had told her, that there will come a day when all the ladies and guys who used to worship,adore and envy her will look at her with so much disgust and hate in their eyes, she'll call the person a joker!

While Han Lina was feeling so humiliated, Chen Mubai wasn't left out.

He couldn't believe that the good reputation that he suffered to build since he's return from abroad years ago,would come crashing before his very own eyes!!! And by a little girl whom he always had control over. What exactly happened? And why is she no longer obeying his words like she used to? What would make the meek little girl suddenly turn into a firecracker? or was she too hurt by seeing him and Han Lina kissing earlier and as such lost her mind and attacked them out of rage and anger. But if that was the case, how did she find out they were in this private room together.Since he and Han Lina were both careful not to get spotted together downstairs and at thus took two different lifts to this place. They only met each other at the door of the private room and came in together to celebrate with their friends.