
When Han bilu and Lu Man came out of the lift, they came across Zhang heng, Su Tiangxio and the great devil. They were about taking the lift.

Han bilu,while in a daze and distracted in her thoughts bumped into the great devil. But because she was distracted and in a hurry, she didn't notice who she bumped into.

"I'm sorry" realising she bumped into someone Han bilu apologised,picked up her purse that fell on the floor and made her way out of the hotel.

Lu Man,seeing how her friend didn't seem to know who she bumped into and rather bypassed the three great men absentmindedly, apologised on her behalf.

"I'm sorry she is just a little bit out of it. pls don't hold it against her" she apologised seeing the dark look of the great devil. For some reason she felt the atmosphere was chilling and unusually cold. She didn't know why she felt particularly scared of this unknown man. Even back then when she tagged along with Han bilu to meet them, she didn't dare stare at him longer because of his cold look and aura.

Seeing how his friend didn't seem to say anything, Zhang Heng thought to save the damsel in distress who looked like she would freeze any moment from now.

"It's okay. You don't need to be scared, we don't bite. Especially not at a beauty" Zhang heng said while flashing his most suave smile at her.

Seeing his friend shamelessly flirting again unprovoked, Su Tiangxio couldn't help but look at him in disdain. He scoffed internally at his friend's level of shamelessness. It was obvious she was scared of their friend the great devil not them. But this guy actually took credit for it shamelessly.

Even though he was scoffing internally, he didn't say anything since he did help to ease the atmosphere.

He turned to look at the great devil only to see him holding onto something while staring at it absentmindedly. He seemed deep in thought.

Su Tiangxio wondered what he was staring at. The moment he attempted to take a closer look, the devil swiftly placed it away in his trouser pocket.

Su Tiangxio: "..."

"If you may excuse me" Seeing the opportunity when the cold guy wasn't paying attention, Lu Man excused herself and fled from there.

Zhang heng: "..."!

Su Tiangxio: "..."

They were shocked seeing her flee as if she just encountered a ghost. Were they that scary?

Only the great devil was expressionless. He was more concerned about what made her feel so distracted and in a hurry that she didn't even notice who she bumped into. And her eyes were red and moist. Signs that she cried, but why?.

He didn't know why he finds himself concerned about her. He couldn't believe he finds her interesting and would like to know more about her. She intrigues him.


When Lu Man finally found her friend inside the car in the garage waiting for her, she exhaled a long breath.

"whewwff" She couldn't help but pat her chest while thinking of the situation she just got herself out of.

Han bilu looked at her friend who looked breathless and wondered what happened to her. And the the fact that she waited more than five minute for her in the car even when they both came down the lift together. So what could have probably happened that delayed her. She felt worried for her friend and blamed herself for being absentminded. She didn't even notice Lu Man wasn't following her till she got to the car.

She tried calling her line but it was out of reach. That was when she remembered Lu Man just got back and haven't had the chance to switch back to her local line.

She attempted to go back and search for her but before she could,she saw Lu Man running towards her car.

Now seeing her friend all out of breath and patting her chest, she became worried and blamed herself for leaving her friend behind.