
Two months later,

She didn't know how long she had wandered the never-ending darkness surrounding her. Time was an incomprehensible entity for her. She was exhausted and on the verge of giving up but the memory of that faint voice calling out to her before she fell into this void kept her going.

And one day,

She finally found the light!

She couldn't believe it. After wandering aimlessly- for god knows how long- she finally found a speck of light in the seemingly endless darkness.

Not wanting to give up she chased the little light with all her strength until she only saw white around her. After a few moments of confusion, she finally comprehended that she had opened her eyes. She felt relief flood her tired mind. She was finally free from the clutches of that ink-black void.

She tried turning her head but it felt stiff and uncomfortable. Her whole body felt heavy. She wondered where she was and why was it so painful and sore in her limbs and joints. Moreover, there was something sticking in her nose and something else poking her in the arm. Her ears picked up a constant and annoying beeping sound.

The more she thought the more she couldn't understand where she was and why was she even there- wherever there was. After little trials of movement, she was sweaty and thirsty. She sighed loudly and gave up and just decided to wait and find the answers later. And her patience was rewarded soon after-

A few minutes later, a nurse dressed in white walked in to check in on her. Her first reaction was shock when she saw the patient's open eyes. Being a professional the nurse quickly recovered and didn't waste any time to check up on her patient's vitals. Everything was seemingly normal on the surface.

She once again faced the woman lying on the bed to take a good look at her in astonishment. She couldn't believe that a person who was almost dead was awake once again. Maybe this was what people called 'miracle'.

Han Lan tried to speak, "Excuse me", she frowned listening to her croaky voice, it even hurt to speak. But she had to keep asking, "M-Madam where a-am I-I?"

"In the hospital miss." The nurse blinked but answered the girl's query.

"But why?" Lan was confused, "I feel fine albeit a little sore." She winced listening to her voice and also due to the pain in her dry throat. She tried to swallow but her mouth was dry too.

The nurse frowned, "Miss you were involved in a car crash two months ago. It's a miracle that you are even awake now." She wasn't joking, they had all given up on her but for seven stubborn guys.

"Oh!" Han Lan widened her eyes in surprise, "But I can't seem to recall anything-"

She paused when something important dawned on her- she couldn't just remember the crash but she couldn't even remember any aspect about herself or her life.

Looking back in her mind there was nothing but empty gloom. She didn't know how she should react. Looking at the changes of her face from absolute calm to shock to panic, the nurse didn't waste in any more time in calling over a doctor for her.