New Life

A year passed after that day in the hospital.

Even today in the present there were some moments when Han Lan simply couldn't believe that she had been so lucky to have gotten such great friends. They were a crazy but lovable bunch.

The first two months were the most difficult period for her but it was naturally made easy due to the presence of one or the other guy- from the septet- with her at every seemingly new step she took or the decision she made.

As Lan got to know them once again she also learnt that Xiao Yao was the oldest among the bunch and handsomest from the lot but still a mixture of an old guy and a baby at the same time.

Bei Nai was a tsundere- hard outside but soft inside. In reality, he was a huge softie just pretending to be grumpy all the time.

Lu Nam was a man of many mature thoughts and a knack of being the decision-maker of the septet. The guys usually looked up to him during tough times. He was the unspoken leader of the group.

Yu Sa was the one who couldn't stand weird atmospheres or sad moods of his friends, he worked hard to make others happy but he was slightly a sadist.

Xiao Jing was the second beauty of the group with a doll-like face. He was simply too beautiful to be a human. Lan could only name this guy as a hidden, weird genius.

Lee Min was a soft-spoken passionate person but she didn't know why every time her heart felt heavy when she interacted with him. She couldn't pinpoint the reason for her predicament so naturally, she strayed away from him.

The youngest baby of the group Mu Yan was a sweet little bear and he was raised by the six elder guys. He admired all his big brother's and they loved and pampered him like their son rather than a young brother.

They didn't have the same goal in their lives nor were they related to each other in any shape or form. Fate had simply brought them together.

Han Lan was contemplating through her thoughts looking at the gloomy rainy sky outside thanking her lucky stars as she usually did when her phone rang. Looking at the name flashing Lan gave a blinding smile before answering it.

Who else but her boyfriend Lu Nam- who had that kind of charming hold over her heart- of two months would have such an effect on her.


"Baby, you saw my new picture?" Lu Nam was eager to know her thoughts. He was like a little puppy wanting to be praised.

"Mmm..." Lan replied nonchalantly, "Yes I did…"

"How do I look?"

"I've seen better things." She replied cheekily wanting to mess with him.

"Lan!" He growled dangerously.

"Of course", She chuckled, "-but none of those can't beat my dear boyfriend."

"That's like my good baby." Nam was finally satisfied, "Listen by the way I actually called to say that we'll have to cancel today's date."

"Huh! Why?" She was a little surprised.

"A sudden delegation needs to be sent out of the country tomorrow evening and I'm given the supervision work for that." Lu Nam sounded apologetic and sad at the same time. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to spend time their girlfriend?

"Ok fine but you'll have to compensate me later." Lan sighed. She was a little disappointed but she couldn't do much about it.

"Sure baby. I'm really sorry and I'm also glad that you aren't mad."

"I am very angry. You better have a good backup plan, mister." Lan threatened him.

Nam couldn't help but chuckle at her mock threats, "As you say baby. I'll catch up with you later ok. Bye bye.

Lan eneded the call with a bittersweet smile. Everything with Lu Nam was indeed great but her heart felt incredibly empty. Like she was missing somthing extremely vital. She was happy with him but it somehow didn't feel enough. She liked him and that's all it was.

In fact, the dating thing was her idea. She had wanted to simply test the waters back then and coincidentally Lu Nam was the one who struck the chords within her heart and he too had agreed to her proposal after two or three days. She still didn't know what had taken him so long to decide.

Feeling bored after being alone in her house she decided to visit the boys at their shared dorm where currently only four of them lived; Xiao Yao, Yu Sa, Xiao Jing and Mu Han.