Chapter one: Leah meets Elijah

One day I came home from school and then I saw my little brother holding my mom.

Ryan:"Sister, I found mom dead in the living room. I don't know what to do."

Leah: "Oh Ryan it's ok. We will find out who did this and they will pay. Just go and get cleaned up. I'll be there in a minute."

So he left and I was wondering how someone got into our home and killed our mother. But then I realized it could've been Ryan. But I wasn't sure. The next day I went to school and of course I had friends. I was a high schooler at the time. My friends were werewolves.

Taylor: "Hey Leah!"

Leah: "Yeah Taylor!" Of course Taylor is not my friend but I

act civilized to her.

Taylor: "You will not go near Jake! You got me you freak." She always was a troublemaker but I didn't care.

Leah: "Yeah whatever! You are just jealous that I have real friends unlike you."

Taylor: "Ugh! You're so annoying! Girls go ahead and have your fun". I didn't know what their fun was at the time so I got beaten badly. I screamed and screamed and no one heard me.

Leah: "Taylor stop please. TAYLOR PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU."

Taylor: "Shut up you freak hybrid."

???: "Knock it off Taylor. She is innocent. Let her go now or else you won't like the outcome." I didn't know who he was. He was different and plus I was out of it.

Taylor: "Fine Elijah! But I will be back and then you will pay."

???: "Hey are you ok?"

Leah: "...." He took me to his house and healed me. A few hours later… I woke up and he was there.

Leah: "Where am I? I need to get back to my brother."

???: "Hey rest! You need to rest tell me where you live and I'll grab your brother."

Leah: "Ok!" After I told him he was gone. His sister and brothers were there watching me like they we're stalkers.

Leah: "Who are you guys???"

Luke: "I'm Luke!"

Ivan: "I'm Ivan!"

Malcolm: "I'm Malcolm!

Hope: "I'm Hope! This is my littlest brother! His name is Alec. He's mute. What's your name?"

Leah: "Leah! My name is Leah! Who was that other guy????"

Hope: "Oh that's uhh Elijah. He doesn't like talking unless he trusts you…. so I guess he trusts you."

Ivan: "You need to rest…."

Ryan: "Sister! Leah what happened??? Why am I here??"

Leah: "Taylor again…..I'll be ok little bro…."

Ryan: "Sister! SISTER!" You might think I might die but why would I share this story if I was….logic guys. Back to the story….

Hope: "Hey bud back off she needs rest and Malcolm here is going to help you….right malcom. MALCOLM!"

Ivan: "I'll get him…."

Hope: "Ok thanks Ivan….now you little one what's your name."

Ryan: "Ryan! My name is Ryan!"

Hope: "Do you have a mom or dad or someone that can take care of you for now until your sis is better…."

Ryan: "Yeah my brother but we don't have any contact with him tho….."

Hope: "Anyone else….."

Ryan: ""

Hope: "Ok then you can stay with us. Do you go to school?"

Ryan: "Yes! I'm a middle schooler eighth grader!"

Hope: "Ok well then you can sleep with Ivan and Alec. They will keep you company. I'm Hope by the way."

Ryan: "Thanks Hope! Goodnight Elijah, Luke, Malcolm, and Hope."

All: "Goodnight Ryan!" So they went to sleep and then at three am. I woke up and saw my brother gone and I was hungry for blood. So I went outside and saw Ryan feeding on a local.

Leah: "Ryan! What the hell are you doing??? Why are you feeding on a local….we don't feed on LOCALS???"

Ryan: "Sorry sister I was hungry and I wanted blood….so I killed a local. Now my question is why are you out here…."

Leah: "I was going to feed on people that aren't innocent…..unlike my little brother." So I ran off and saw blood on a vampire so I could help but to feed. I didn't know who it was at the time….and then I saw their face. It was Elijah….he was feeding too. I bit him and then he attacked me. We fought and then he ran off. Ivan and Luke were devastated that he got bit because he doesn't do too good when he's bit. Then I ran off too.

Luke: "Oh my god who would do this???"

Hope: "It probably was a werewolf. We need to go.

Ivan: "What about big brother??

Luke: "We don't have time for this brother. Let's leave now before it's too late." So they left and I felt so bad for Elijah. You probably are shipping me with Elijah but I know you aren't using your logic so I'll let you figure it out. Back to the story.

Leah: "Ryan! RYAN!"

Ryan: "What did you do this time sister?"

Leah: "I accidentally bit Elijah….I have to find him and you're going to help me."

Ryan: "Fine whatever!" After all of that they still didn't find Elijah so they went to bed. The next morning!!!

Luke: "Leah wake up time for school!!!!!"

Leah: "Ok! I'm up." At school! Finally I get to tell you who my friends are. So there's Haylie Marshall, Jake Owens, Grace Michaels which is Jake's girlfriend , Jack Wilson, and last but not least Madison Robert.

Madison: "Hey Leah."

Leah: "Yeah Madison!"

Madison: "We heard that Elijah got a werewolf bite on his arm. Do you think you could heal him?"

Leah: "Yeah if I can find him. I've been trying to find him all day….I think he went missing, or he might've got hurt worse. Does Elijah have a hide out."

Madison: "Yeah! In the woods why?"

Leah: "Because I might find him there." With Elijah!

Elijah: "Ahh felicity stop your hurting me stop! STOP! please I don't want you hurting more than you already are. Pause! You might be thinking why would she put that in a story….well because he's hallucinating and then this is the worse part. Back to the story!!!!

Leah: "I hear him hurry this way"

Elijah: "So Kendra, how are you liking it in the tub. Do you care if I join you in a bath?

Kendra: "Sure why not? Help yourself!! After that he started hurting more.

Elijah:"Ahhh make it stop!" *Elijah grunts*

Leah:"Then hold still so we can numb the pain. You know what nevermind snap his neck." So I snapped his neck and then after we numbed the pain I had him drink my blood.

Elijah: "Wh….what happened? Why am I here?"

Leah: "Well you got bitten by a werewolf so yeah. I'll take you to your brother Luke." So she ran and I was thinking…..what if it didn't work then what would I do then.