After they got to Hope!
Elijah: "No! No! No! Hope! Can you hear me? Hope! No! Listen to me wake up!" In Hope's mind!
Hope: "Mother? Father? Is that you?"
Talia: "Yes dear it's me. Why are you here? It's not your time yet."
Hope: "Because I want to be with you and dad."
Raphael: "Honey! Your mother's right it's not your time yet. Wake up! Be with your brothers and your sister."
Hope: "Wait, I have a sister?"
Talia: "Ralph! She wasn't supposed to know about that. Damn it Ralph! Sorry dear about your father he's tired and he doesn't know what he's saying. Wake up!" *hope gasps*
Hope: "I saw her."
Elijah: "Who???"
Hope: "Mom and my dad. They told me we have another sister. They said her name was Aaliyah or something like that."
Alec: "She is definitely hallucinating."
Hope: "Since when do you talk or am I still hallucinating. Huh! I really did see them. It was like I was dead. Wait am I dead?"
Elijah: "Haha! Pfft! No way! Wait I saw mom and my dad once too. Remember when I wasn't breathing and was dead at the time."
Luke: "Yeah why?"
Elijah: "Well that's when I saw Talia and Zero, then I saw this other dude and his name was Raphael. He said he was my stepdad before Zero killed him. He also said that I was 10 then and Hope was 13 and Ivan was 8 and Malcolm was 9 and Alec was 7 and Luke was 11. So yeah she isn't hallucinating actually."
Ivan: "Thank god your ok! I thought you were dead for real. Are you hurt?"
Hope: "No brother I'm f...."
All: "Hope! Hope! HOPE!"
Elijah: "Hope! No! No! Hope? HOPE! HOPE!"
???: "Hey are you Elijah ?"
Elijah: "Yes why?
???: Brother! Is that you? I'm Aaliyah Mikaelson! Omg is that Hope?"
Elijah: "Where the hell have you been for all these years huh. And yes it's Hope and she's dead. Don't come near me or my brothers ever again. You hear me Aaliyah. Goodbye!" Elijah and the others left and took Hope's body with them.
Aaliyah: "I just wanted to say hi! How rude." So she went outside and found them mourning The Death Of One Of The Mikaelsons'.
Aaliyah: "Hey Elijah I'm sorry! I really am and I really want to be a part of this family. I was gone- -
Elijah: "Shut up! I don't want to hear it. You're the biggest fool that I met in my entire life. I HATE YOU! I really hate you for leaving us when we needed you most. I really don't need you to replace Hope, because YOUR NOTHING LIKE HOPE. YOU HEAR ME! I'M DONE WITH YOU, MOM, DAD, YOUR DAD. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."
Aaliyah: "What is wrong with you. Is this how you welcome everyone home to you? Or is it just me? Oh yeah it's just me because YOU HATE ME SO MUCH. WELL I NEVER ASKED FOR US TO BE SPLIT APART. ZERO TOOK ME AWAY FROM THE FAMILY CAUSE I WAS USELESS." *aaliyah panting* *elijah gasps*
Elijah: "Aaliyah I'm so sorry. I should just leave." So he left and so did Leah.
Leah: "Elijah that wasn't your fault. She's just like someone that I met long before you. But it was a he. His name was Landon. He was an asshole." They talked for a while and they started to kiss and then Luke comes out and was drunk.
Elijah: "One sec babe. Hey Luke what the hell are you doing."
Luke: "Cmon get drunk with me. You too Leah. We're celebrating that Aaliyah is back."
Elijah: "Nah I'm good. Go back inside. NOW!"
Luke: "No! You don't get to tell me what the fuck to do. I wonder why are you so useless? Huh! Asshole! You are the one that does nothing for the FAMILY."
Leah: "Elijah don't! Don't! Eli— —
Elijah: "Shut up! Shut up! Argh! Just go inside please. Luke! Go inside now before I accidentally hurt you."
Luke: "Fine whatever." After he went inside! *elijah kisses Leah* *leah kisses Elijah back*
Leah: "Mhmm!" *breaks kiss* "ahh~ Elijah! Please stop! D-daddy!"
Elijah: "What? Are you ok if I do this?"
Leah: "Y-yes! Go easy and gentle."
Elijah: "I'll try!" *kisses and bites neck*
Leah: "Ahhh~ D-daddy!"
Elijah: *takes off shirt and throws it in the corner* "Hey I know you want a bite. C'mon take your bite."
Leah: "No! Cause if I do then I won't stop!"
Aaliyah: "Elijah Mikaelson! Stop it! If she doesn't want to bite you then stop."
Elijah: "Shut up Aaliyah!" By the way this is a dream so yeah.
Elijah: *wakes up and realizes that it was a dream* "Ahh! Leah!"
Leah: "Yes! Woah! What happened to you?"
Elijah: "I had a very bad dream!"