Chapter 2. Welcome to Alberta! (Jason P.O.V)

I wake up and take out my earbuds, rubbing my eyes. Looking around I see the girl still sleeping in my arms. I smile and softly moving her back to Nori's arms. I looked over her to see through the window, and saw that we were in Canada now, almost in Edmonton, the Capital city of Alberta. Maybe another hour passed and the captain spoke over the loud speaker. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. As you can see we have arrived to our destination. Can everyone please return your seats to their upright positions, and push your food trays back up. We will prepare to land in five minutes. Thank you all very much!" He said in a happy voice.

I pulled my seat buck upright, and push in Nori's food table into the seat in front of her. "Nori, the plane is going to land soon." I say to her quietly, not to startle her. She sits up and wipes the sleep from her eyes. She smiles and nods, holding her daughter tightly to her chest. The plane lands and all passengers are allowed to leave now.

I step out and feel the drastic difference in temperature. Even though it was the middle of May, it was Canada. I walked to the check out and got my passport looked at. I was allowed to leave and took my stuff to get a taxi. I walk out and call for a taxi. One pulls up and asks where in need to go. "Banff, the nearest store will do fine." I say, clicking in my seat belt. Before the taxi can pull away, there were some frantic knocks on the window. I look over to see Nori, the lady from the plane and her baby. I roll down the window and greet her. "What can I do for you?" I say and smile. "Can I get a ride with you? I need to get to Devon." She askes. I smile and nod. I take her things and place them in the trunk while she buckles in Laura. I sit in the front seat now so Nori and Laura can have the space in the back.

My phone buzzes and a notification for snapchat pops up. 'Dixie', the message reads. It had been about two weeks since we have spoken. I opened the snap. It was a snap of her in a towel in her room. This bitch.. I thought I took a photo of the sky, which was light blue with the afternoon sun. STREAKS. I typed in large letters across the screen. I put Alberta, Edmonton on the top left corner, and the time in the bottom left. I smile and I hit the small send button. I select send all, and the number 2, 346 shows at the bottom. I click away Alan's name because we haven't spoken in almost 4 years. hitting send I put my phone away and sigh.

A light tapping on my shoulder makes me turn and make eyes contact with Nori. I smile and raise my eyebrow. "Thank you for watching my daughter while I got some rest on the plane. I can't belive someone would do that." She smiled and looked at Laura, who was eating animal paste, and watching paw patrol on her mother's phone. "She was well behaved, a pleasure spending time with her. We mainly just slept." I said chuckling. She smiles again and leans back into her seat, placing a hand on her stomach.

I look over at the cab driver who looked to be older than me by a few years, average height white man with short blond hair. He noticed my gaze and spoke with a heavy British accent. "The names Colin, who might you be?" He says as he watches the road. "I'm Jason." I say, smiling and glancing out the window. "Welcome to Alberta!" Yelled Colin.