Pile of shit

Aster propped himself up on a tree due to his immense fatigue. He couldn't make heads or tails out of what happened because he was supposed to be fucken dead! Deceased, expired, no-more, six feet under, or whatever else you want to call it, he was supposed to be it.

"The hell is going on? I detonated my avatar so I should be dead, right? Oh no, did I not manage to kill those bastards?!"

As Aster's thoughts were flying all over the place he suddenly remembered the terms and conditions of Aylric's personalized array.

Flinging open his bathrobe Aster looked down at his humongous little brother he quickly began to masturbate.

"Cmon Lil bro don't die on me! We are partners, if you die then my life is ruined! Please stand proud once again!"

With his hand moving a million miles a minute while imaging the fleshy folds of Empress Evangeline and the bitter-sweet taste of her love nectar mixing with her salty sweat to create an amazing amalgamation. Her beautiful countenance combined with supple yet perky breasts, a slender core section, and a shapely ass all coagulated into a world toppling beauty.

Even a few hours later Aster could still be seen laying in the grass near the road and jacking-off.

** ** **

After standing up and patting the grass and leaves off of his bathrobe, Aster shifted his attention towards his dragon (that was still dribbling man-cream) which stands at a total height of 35 cm tall and 5 cm wide. Looking at it haughtily standing straight he was at a loss of what to do but he just decided to leave it be.

As he was inspecting his surroundings he suddenly became extremely alert and cautious. Despite his pitiful death due to those cucks, Aster was one of the true 5 experts in the entirety of the heavens. With an exceptionally strong Avatar when he was back in the 7th heaven he was considered a gigolo with strength on par with Sovereign Aylric's right-hand men.

Having fought in many hellacious wars and having been subjected to immense suffering from enhancing his Avatar Aster was no stranger to pain; physical, emotional, or otherwise. His temperament paired with his exceptional memory and battle prowess (prowess in bed as well), he was a literal walking-talking disaster...well, he is a disaster for men.

Scouring around for the source of discomfort Aster is absolutely startled at what it was, because it was just a pile of shit! *ahem* I mean a different source of energy!... yeah.

By analyzing this energy in front of him he realizes that it's similar to Psion in its utilization but it is just so inferior that not even one-ten thousandth of a particle of Psion could be equivalent to its energy level. Yeah, it is just that shit.

Before long it dawned on him that this place doesn't have any ambient Psion in the atmosphere which would mean that this is at the very least, an under-developed realm. To put it simply, Psion is what makes up the fundamentals of reality and every single realm naturally produces it when they evolve. Although it is unknown what allows the realms to evolve and produce Psion but from what Aster can tell; this world isn't anywhere close to being ready to produce Psion. Not even in a million years.

Even though Aster will never be able to draw Psion from the air anymore, his Avatar can at least produce it's own personal Psion. Thank lady luck for allowing him to keep his law of Infinity.

Laws are what someone can comprehend and engrave into their avatar when they are able to enhance. Every avatar enhancement becomes more difficult to achieve and more excruciatingly painful than the last, however, with each enhancement you are allowed to infuse a law you comprehended into it. With the layers ranging from Layer 1 - Layer 11 there are countless different possibilities for combinations with laws.

Inspecting his Avatar Aster sighed. "God-damn it. My avatar's back at a fifth layer enhancement rank...ahh, it will at least take me a hundred or so years to get back to my former peak of 8th layer. That's even with my knowledge of the laws and whatnot because if I rush my avatar's enhancement then the Psion my avatar creates will be more like a fluid instead of the solid I want."

"It was too bad that Aylric was at the 10th enhancement layer otherwise I might have stood a chance against that old fuck."

Aster complained while inspecting the condition of his Avatar. Surprisingly even though he detonated it not much damage was done besides his setback in rank. Scanning his enhancements he wanted to check up on them to make sure they aren't damaged in any way.

'Law of Lust, Law of Destruction, Law of Infinity, and the law of Space, and the Law of Creation..well shit, I lost the Laws of Karma, Time, and Force. Ahh fuck, the law of Force good too!'

After venting his grievances a bit he got to moving since he needed to find out what backwater ass realm he landed in. By using his 'Spatial Sense' from the Law of Space he managed to locate a large city; probably a capital of sorts.

Seeing that it is over 75 miles away from his current location he decided to warp there, "But first, let's get some new clothes."

** ** **

There was a major commotion inside a bar in the higher district of Mutal. There were waitress' tripping over their own feet and dropping dishes on customers then the men were all scowling at a certain someone that was leisurely drinking an ale in the center of the room. This someone was, of course, Aster.

Relishing in the gazes of lust, longing, and unadulterated enmity, Aster, who was dressed in a black Daoist style robe created from his top-quality Psion because he saw many people donning it, was sipping on ale and being as tranquil as an autumn lake.

He was quietly sitting there listening to the murmurs of gossip with his outlandish senses. From what he gathered, the current place he was in was the capital of the Great Bai Kingdom. Piecing together the scraps of gossip he heard; Aster now understood that basis of this realm.

According to the drunks within this tavern, there were a total of 4 'Great' kingdoms, 3 'Great' sects, and 12 'Great' clans. There are the Great Kingdoms of Bai, Jin, Xia, Qiuji while the three Great Sects are the Thousand Mile Sword sect, White Jade Sect, and the Limitless Blaze Sect. The 12 clans did not come up much in the talks of the drunkards however they did mention that the three clans make up over half of the total fighting power in every Great Kingdom.

Among the multitude of conversations there were a few in particular that caught his fancy but he couldn't make sense out of them due to his pitiful amount of knowledge. They were mainly speaking about the rankings of strength in this realm and 'Qi'.

After losing interest in listening to the gossip Aster quickly paid and left the tavern. To acquire more information on this world in general he used a minuscule bit of Psion to scan every person, house, building, etc. in the entire capital.

Almost immediately he found some shady shit going down in a back-room of a dilapidated house. Warping through the space, Aster appeared in a room that housed over 12 repulsively ugly males while there were 2 exceedingly beautiful women.

Both of these women looked almost exactly alike if it wasn't for one of them having a mole under their eye. The two of them have silky smooth brown hair with crystal clear golden eyes, cherry-red lips, unblemished pale white skin that was as soft as an infant, and a shapely body. Seeing their tattered clothing and wounded bodies Aster was somewhat irked about the situation and although he knows that such is the way of the world he wouldn't just watch such a thing happen right in front of him.

He isn't a hero and he never will be one. Trying to rid the world of its impurities is just a simply ludicrous idea because It's human nature to be inherently evil. He remembered some words that his mother used to say and tell him to live by, 'There is no truly innocent being. All that have lived; have sinned.'.

Attracting the attention of everybody (including the horrified gaze of the rapists) in the room due to the rift opening up right behind them; they all started to freak out. Casually stepping into the mold and humid 6x6 room Aster expended some Psion to freeze all of the men in their spots and remove their bodily functions.

Placing his charming hand on the forehead of an old man; Aster forcibly extracted all of the memories related to this so-called 'Qi' and the realm he currently resides in.

As a flood of memories rush into his brain Aster lets the man's now limp body collapse onto itself. After understanding the situation he was currently in Aster then snapped his fingers and an incomparable dense and invisible wave of energy began its onslaught of the men.

Having their bodies and soul ripped apart by the Law of Destruction is one of the most painful and harsh ways to die because they are never to resurrected again if the Law of Destruction is used on a soul. Huddled in the corner were the two young females and they covered their mouths in horror as they watched this grotesque scene. Being afraid to incite the ire of this profound expert compelled them to tuck themselves away in some obscure corner; even if it wasn't going to help them.

Leaving the piles of ashes on the floor Aster looked at the two girls again and then simply teleported away. As confused as these girls were they immediately sprung up and dashed from this godforsaken house to find their guards.

** ** **

With an ugly face Aster scanned the memories he received and was appalled, confused, and depressed.

"How is this possible? I'm not even in any of the lower realms that existed when I was in the heavens! This realm very rarely mentions the heavens much less having been proved to exist!"

"And what is this? There are a total of ten realms that are known and they are further separated into three subcategories? What is this? Primary Qi, Advanced Qi, Primary Core, Advanced Core, Primary Heart, Advanced Heart, Clear Body, Crystal Spirit, Ascension, and Sage? All of them are divided into basic, intermediary, and summit."

Aster was flabbergasted with this information because from the memories he received a Summit level Sage is equivalent to a talentless Layer 1 in the heavens. 'What the hell is this? This entire realm is nothing but a shitshow!'

Standing on the roof of a hostel; Aster was gazing at the stars he made a grasping motion with his hands and said, "I swear I'll get you all back by my side..... I must have you by my side but before then let's go have some fun!" before warping off with a lecherous grin.