WebNovelI. R. L.46.67%


As they stepped out of the car they were surprised to find it was not a hotel. Kyle quickly explained when he saw their faces. "This is head quarters. There are several levels but this first one serves as a convenient store; mostly to provide a cover but also to provide— convenience." He laughed at his almost joke. "Anyway. The team leader is waiting for us on one of the upper floors."

The building is tall dark concrete with large glass panels. The first floors walls were almost completely glass. They walked through the convenience store until they reached a door that went behind the cold beverages and to an elevator.

The elevator ride was initially awkward. Kacey broke the silence. "Oh shit. I just realized— we have the two of you set up in your own suit— it just has the one bedroom. I can rearrange things and see about getting Kazuto put in a room with some of the guys."

Asuna spoke up. "That really won't be necessary."

Kirito chuckled. "Yeah, I'll just sleep on the couch or something."

"Are you sure?" Kacey asked, her face glued to her tablet trying to see where she could shuffle things around.

"Yes. We are sure." Asuna said with a smile as she squeezed Kirito's arm.

When the door of the elevator opened they stepped into what looked like modern business office's waiting room with a receptionist desk, and a large piece of foggy glass behind it. The woman sitting behind the desk had dark red hair pulled back into a high ponytail. Her golden eyes scanned the group. "This must be Mr. and Mrs.— I mean" she blushed. "This must be Kazuto and Asuna." She reached her hand out to a Asuna. "I'm Allie. I'm here if you need anything. Snacks, entertainment, drugs, whatever you need to get the job done honestly."

Asuna did not take the girls hand but instead did a quick bow. Kirito took her hand though and smiled. "No one on this team is doing drugs... right?"

The red head looked stunned. "You understand English?! Everyone told me you wouldn't be able to understand and I just figured your translators would sensor me!" Allie looked like she might cry.

"It's one of the few subjects in school he was actually better than me in. That and computers." Asuna chimed in.

"No one is on drugs. I don't know where to get drugs, and if I did this is the last place I'd bring them. Oh holy shit. Kyle & Kacey please don't get me fired for this." The red head panicked.

Kirito laughed. "Please let her keep her job."

Kyle and Kacey nodded to Kirito before looking back to Allie. Kyle rested his hand on the desk before speaking. "Is the boss still in there?"

"Yes Mr. Adams is waiting in the conference room." The sudden shift to professionalism in Allie was a little unnerving for Asuna.

"We shouldn't keep him waiting any longer, he's had a long day I'm sure." Kacey said as she started to lead the group back towards the meeting room.

At the head of a long black conference table sat a man with black hair that was beginning to grey and dark eyes. It was clear he took care of himself by his build and that he cared about his appearance as he wore a suit, even at this hour.

As soon as they entered the conference room that man spoke in an authoritative tone. "Welcome Kazuto and Asuna. Please take a seat. My name is Grey Adams. I'm responsible for this team which means I'm responsible for you two now. I work for the president directly and that's who I report to."

Kirito took the seat to Mr. Adams' right and Asuna sat beside Kirito, they never stopped holding each other's hand.

"Kacey kept me up to date on everything they covered on the ride over." The leaders hands were clasped as he spoke in a professional and cold manner. "I have the video that was sent to the government officials here, after that I need to get some rest before tomorrow. I've had information packets sent to your suite. Go through them, they'll familiarize you with where we are now, the other team members, and what Micheal has revealed so far. Feel free to order whatever food you'd like, the room is set up with the teams private food delivery account, and this is New York, so something is always open." As he spoke he tapped his tablet and the room darkened when he finished and a projection started on the glass wall opposite Mr. Adams.

The video was pulled up and immediately started. On the screen was a man, looking to be in his mid forties with his dark blonde hair cut short. He wore a white t-shirt with a blue cross on it under his navy colored suit jacket. His blue eyes look tired. He sounds full of confidence and immovable in his beliefs as he explains what is happening to the players in game and then continues. "In 2022 Akihiko Kayaba pioneered the full dive system and created the ultimate way to test the human spirit. He made many mistakes in his designs for NerveGear and SAO. One of the greatest being that he connected in game actions to real life decisions and trapped his players inside of a false reality. The lord gave me sight to see this flaw and vision to overcome it. In game deaths will have no consequences in the real world, these players have already made their choice between life and death when they chose between heaven and hell. I am a man of my word, the angels are safe as long as they log in and as long as they don't help a demon. The mark of the beast has started counting down for the players who chose hell. When they logged into Armageddon the new FullSphere that was developed for this game inserted a small strip into the base of their skull that is coated with another one of my creations, micro-nano-bots. These tiny precious beings serve The Lord and gather in the brain, patiently waiting for their commands. The machine is built and the plans are in motion. I will no longer interfere, I will not be as self serving as Kayaba and hide myself amongst the players. I won't even hide from any of you. I'm sending my physical location to all of you after this transmission. My work is finished. His kingdom come, his will be done." And the video ends.

Mr. Adams stood up and away from the table. "He was true to his word. The location was sent and Micheal King was detained. He has answered none of our questions. He has taken a vow of silence and fasting."