When they exited the chapel they were greeted by a large white Hummer limo decorated with tulle and ribbons, cans tied to the back, and a "Just Married" Sign attached to the back. Once inside Asuna opened the top window and the couple stood up and waved at their guests as they headed to their reception. Settling back into their seats she turned away from him." Will you help me out of this?" She asks innocently.
His fingers were quick to begin unbuttoning the row of silk buttons down her spine until she jerked away. "Kirito! I meant the skirt!"
"Oh…" A mischievous grin spread across his face as his hands reach under the layers of tulle and lace. "I thought we would wait until after the reception, but in a limo could be fun." His voice is haughty and she blushes.
"Kirito… Do you see the ribbon at the top of all of this fabric you're getting lost in?"
He hadn't slid his hands into the correct layer so when he reached the top there was no silky smooth legs, there was just more fabric and an irritated huff from him. "Yeah, I see it…" He mumbles while pulling his arms away.
She giggles as she turns her face to see his pout. "If you undo that and help me unhook it from around my waist… I will give you a thank you present." She smirks as her words renew his vigor and he quickly unties the ribbon and pulls the heavy skirts down over her thighs to reveal the continuation of the lace dress down to her mid calf.
It was a total transformation. She went from beautiful fairytale princess to regal, still stunning beyond words, queen. "Very clever." He whispers before throwing all of that extra fabric to the other side of the limo and climbing onto her lap, pulling her into a kiss, careful to not put any extra pressure on her stomach. "How are you feeling?" He asks between kisses.
She speaks between kisses while also trying to keep up with her breathing. "I— feel— great." When she finished her sentence she pushed him off of her so he will land back in his seat. She's not as fast as her avatar in game, but she's fast enough IRL to bring herself between his legs and make quick work of pulling his pants down to reveal a very readied sword. She licks her soft pink lips before kissing the tip and swirling her tongue just around the head. She grips him and drop a solid stream of saliva to pull down over his length. He resists the urges to throw his head back or close his eyes, channeling all that energy into clenching his fists as she pumps him with her hands and pulls his tip into her mouth where it simultaneously feels safe and overwhelmed. Her hands slowly become one and soon they both disappear when she pulls him in until she reaches the back of her throat. She keeps going until she gags and has to pull him out to take a breath, her hands keep him warmed until she goes at it again with some tears falling from her cheeks. "Asuna… Oh god… good job baby." His hands instinctively reach for her head. She pulls away, just enough to speak, her warm breath hitting the sensitive extremity, before his hands reach her. "No touching." She immediately pulls him back into her mouth and begins to bob, careful to not smile at the way he obeyed her instruction and grips the black leather seats and gently lifting and lowering his hips.
When he was close to full surrender his breath get's ragged and he can't bring himself to say anything, to let her know he wanted more, that he wanted to be inside of her, or at least to warn her before his thick cum fill her throat. She wasn't too surprised, she could feel him beginning to twitch, hear his breathing change and she loved the heady taste and smell of him. She was careful and slow to pull him out of her mouth, wanting so badly to show him before swallowing every last drop. His eyes were glued to her half lidded lusty eyes as she pulled away and revealed the pool of his essence inside of her mouth, being held by the cup of her tongue. All he could feel at the sight of the way she swallowed with a little smile and hum was proud through and through.
"Don't you want a wedding present too?" He asks as she starts to get up and sit across from him. He hands her a napkin to wipe the couple pearlescent speck from the corner of her lips, but she just licks it up with a devilish grin and a nod.
He got down on his knees in front of her, his pants falling around his knees. He lifts each foot up to take off the white heels with silver pendants above the toes, and kisses each inner ankle before placing them back down. His hands glide up her legs, under her dress to push the skirt up over her hips. As his hands reach her hip bones he takes a sharp inhale and one of his eyebrows lifts. "My my my Mrs. Kirigaya, what happened to your underwear? Where have they gone?"
She smirks and shrugs her shoulder before lifting her hips up so he can push the fabric up and see her how smooth she is, already damp with need and a little more red from her arousal. He slides her legs apart to get a better look. "Mine." He whispers before bending down to slide his tongue from the bottom to the top between the folds in front of him until he reaches her apex and swirls around the extra sensitive bud that makes her moan and reach for him. He slowly pulls away, just enough for his lips to brush against her as he talks. "No touching." He smiles before pressing his tongue flat against her and sliding down for his tongue to enter her. She taste sweet as his tongue reaches as far as it can to scoop as much of her as he can, humming as he does. His tongue it replaced with a finger until she is panting and begging for more. "How many do you want baby?" He asks before pushing his sencond finger into her. Her words are nearly a whisper as she writhes from his movements. "Three please." He smiles, making her wait a little longer for the next finger. "Please Kirito."
"Sorry, what's my name now?" His movements had stopped all together as he waited and she whined. "Please husband?" He smiles at his new title and slams all three fingers into her, curling and swirling until she spills into his hand. As he licked his fingers and hand clean he looked down at himself with a somewhat impressed smirk before grabbing her hips and positioning himself against her. "Kirito…" She looks at him a bit concerned. "Ooh yes!" Her head falls back as he pushes into her slowly, and deliberating reaching up into her to rub against the space that makes her eyes roll back and mouth hang open with moans after moans while he thrusts into her. When the car comes to stops in only makes his thrusts reach more places and she stifles a humored scream when, still attached, he gripped her rear and brought her to the floor of the limo.
They were losing track of time as they chased second orgasms, and had arrived at the reception, however, their limo driver has been doing this for awhile, so he drove around the block until he heard the commotion in the back come to a mutual end and the newlyweds shift around to fix their attire.
The reception is kept small and elegant at a restaurant at the top of one of the buildings that look out over Central Park. Just their friends and family that could make it from Japan, Hanna, Amelia, Kyle and Kacey. Suguha and Lizbeth snicker when the newlyweds emerged from the limo looking slightly disheveled while everyone else tried to ignore it.
It was a pleasant meal full of laughter and stories. Before desert Kyle and Kacey came to say farewell. Kacey smiled, slight, but still a smile. "Congratulations to the two of you. It was a pleasure working with the two of you… before we leave, we've been asked to deliver a present to the both of you from the President." She extends an envelope to them. "We hope to see you again soon." Kyle was too emotional to say anything other than congratulations and thanks before Kacey finally pulled him away.
Kirito held the envelope with the President's official seal on it. "What do you think it could be?" He asks. Asuna takes it from him with a smile. "Only one way to find out." She says before beginning to open the envelope. They read it together, eyes wide, and mouths slightly ajar.
Everyone noticed the shocked couple's silence, Shino was the one to ask the question on everyone's mind though. "What is it?"
The couple swallows before Kirito flips over a photo that shows a cabin. His speaks slowly, still processing. "He… gave us a cabin…"
Suguha huffed and grabbed the letter. "Let me see." She reads the letter with great concentration. "He… gave them a cabin…" She looks up a little ashamed for not believing them.
"Where?" Amelia asks.
Asuna takes the letter back from her sister and searches. "Catskill?" She looks up to Amelia and Hanna confused.
Amelia clapped her hands. "Oh! I used to camp there all the time when I was younger. It's just a few hours drive from here, but you should be able to feel like your escaping, well, everything." She chuckles a little until Kouichirou gently grabs her hand under the table.
Asuna's brother leans forward so the newlyweds can see him. "When you say he gave you a cabin… do you mean he rented it for you? Or that he actually bought you a cabin…?"
Asuna hands her brother the letter and as he looks it over Amelia leans close to him to see the letter for herself. "So… He gave you cabin, like it's completely yours to do with whatever you want… in America…" The newlyweds nod their heads.
Shino leans forward now to get everyone's attention. "I'm guessing that's where the two of you will be heading tonight… instead of heading back home tomorrow with the rest of us?" They nod again, without even discussing it they were on the same page.
Kouichirou coughed before he spoke. "Actually, I will also be staying back for… an undetermined amount of time…" He glanced at Amelia who had a nearly imperceptible blush for everyone except Kouichirou to see as he avoided making any eye contact with his parents. "I emailed the offices yesterday. We have some contacts and leads here that I will work on and everything else I can do Len via email or video chat…" He didn't look directly at his mother until he saw her shoulders relax with his peripheral vision and looked up with a calm smile.
Suguha huffed from her seat, drawing all of the attention she wanted. "Well since everyone is making all of these big life moves, and whatever…" She glances to Lizbeth at her side who's ear have turned a deep red and her face flushes. "Now's a good a time as ever to let you all know that I've decided to move out."
Everyone but her mother looked pleased and congratulated. "Where are you moving to?" Her mother asks after everyone settled back down.
Under the table Suguha reached for Lizbeth's clammy hand and lifted them to the table as she swallowed and looked directly at her mother. "I'll be moving in with my girlfriend."
Kirito and Asuna's eyes were wide and they both wondered if now, with all of the friends and family in so much shock would be a good time to tell them about the pregnancy, and they decided to wait when they saw the way Kirito's mother looked like she might pass out. He spoke carefully. "Mom, are you okay?"
The shook mother blinks a couple times before smiling and straightening her posture. "I'm good. I wasn't expecting her to announce their relationship this publicly is all…"
Suguha's brows pull together. "Wait… why do you sound like you already knew?"
A soft laugh came from her mother. "I've known for awhile. Lizbeth comes over a lot… and one time after dinner the two of you snuck of to your bedroom saying that you were going to play ALO with some of your friends… Your door hadn't closed all the way… and when I heard some odd noises—"
Suguha stood started screaming and waving her hands. "Okay, I think everyone gets it. Oh god! I want to die!"
Lizbeth yanked her hand to make her girlfriend sit back down. "It's your own fault for making this so public."
After some awkward conversation melted back into comfortable laughter and explanations about the beginning of the relationships it was getting late and was time for everyone to return to their apartments and for Kirito and Asuna to head to their cabin.
Lizbeth came up to the bride. "I helped pack your things… I hid my gift in one of your suitcases… you'll know when you see it." She winked before giving her friends a farewell hug.
Suguha sulked over to her brother. "The rest of your presents will be back at the apartment in Japan… so don't stay away forever…" She pulled them both into a quick hug before running to her girlfriend who quietly grabbed her hand.
Kouichirou and Amelia made sure to get their hugs in as well. Asuna spoke after releasing Amelia from their hug. "So, since we are all going to be here for awhile… I was thinking maybe you guys could come up to the cabin every now and then… it has three bedrooms…"
Kouichirou laughs and scratches the back of his head. "How about in a week or two we reach out. I though I read that the cabin is pretty secluded and comes with a box to lock your phones in… I think you two have more than earned a break— from everything. Amelia and I are…" He looks to her briefly before looking back to his sister. "Still figuring out what we are…" Amelia squeezed his hand. He was right. They haven't even known each other for two weeks, and yet, she didn't want to ever let go of his hand, she would miss the warmth and comfort too much.
As Kirito and Asuna are driven through the city they watched as lights after lights pass them by until they begin to thin out. They sat so close she could rest her head on his shoulder and he could kiss her head with his hand gently resting just below her belly button.