After being reincarnated, I couldn't see shit. Wait, is this where I'll have to live to being a baby until im older? DAMNIT.. Oh well..
After some time, i felt movement. 'What the hell?' it felt weird.. And there it is again. 'What was that?' I swear it felt like an earthquake.. As i thought about that, suddenly it felt like i was being dragged away to somewhere. 'AHHH!' i shouted internally.. 'I think im in my Mom's womb..' Yep.. I'm inside her. Wait, that sounded wrong.. Well, nevermind.
___________________________________ (3rd POV)
On the inside of a Clean white room, we have one woman laying on a bed while three other women trying to help the woman..
"Keep pushing Anastasia!" Exclaimed the green haired woman holding Anastasia's Legs. Inside the room the sound of Anastasia groaning and breathing kept reverberating around..
"I'M TRYING SO HARD INKO" shouted Anastasia. Holding another woman's hand, the woman who she was holding had pointy blond hair. the worried look with a trace of panic was stuck on the woman's face. The other woman, the nurse, continued on monitoring Anastasia's condition while constantly encouraging the woman.
"Inhale, Exhale Anna. Breathe Calmly" The blonde woman, Mitsuki, Stated. Anastasia continued on pushing while breathing in rhythms. Everyone in the room was in an alert state of mind, focusing on the woman, panting over and over. After what felt like eternity, came out the sound that they hope for.
______________________________________ (End of 3rd POV)
As i keep on feeling those massive rumbles, and dragging.
I saw light. LIGHT I TELL YOU.. Suddenly, i had the urge to cry.
"Waaaahhhhh! Uwaaaaahhh!" The sound of a baby crying could be heard within the room.. As they heard the sound of the baby crying, Everyone in the room felt great relief as the baby was delivered safely.
'I have to deal with growing up again i guess..' i internally said. As i was on my own thoughts, everyone turned to look at me. I saw the mothers of Midoriya and Bakugou. 'Holy Shit. My Mom is friends with them.' I thought.
As i looked at them, they also looked at me back. They saw my curiosity in my eyes and they thought it was cute.. As they felt satisfied looking at me, they brought me back to my Mother. As i took a look at my Mother's face, she looked russian. Her eyes were dazzling silver, Grey Hair, and rosy white soft skin. 'My Mom's Hot as hell' I could shamelessly say my Mom's the most beautiful woman i saw in my whole two lives. Maybe it was because she's my mom or something else.. "My baby~ you look just like your Father.. I'll name you Sergei, Sergei Ivanishkov"
I gotta thank God for keeping my previous name by making my new family russian, even though i was filipino before.. I'm Excited for my new life
(4 Years Later)
Its been four years since i got reborn. Izuku and Bakugou and I became close friends, Izuku also got more self-confidence than the canon so thats great.
This year was the year we'll manifest our quirks. I hope izuku handles this better than the canon.
*At Home*
"Sergei, dont forget your lunch dear~" Mom warmly calls out to me. I'm blessed, Mom is the best.. "Okay Mom!" I hurry out to grab my lunch while Mom prepares my uniform..
I look in the mirror and.. damn. i look like a toddler cosplayer.
Mom looks at me and smiles. "Ara Ara~ My baby is all grown up~" jeez that's embarrassing as heck. "Moom~ Stop teasing me!" She just laughs and says "Alright dear. Hurry on and go to school, Izuku is waiting for you outside" I nodded and head out.
I look outside and saw chibi Izuku standing there waiting for me happily. I smiled at him and nudged him so we can go.
__________________________________(3rd POV)
As the two were heading to school. Bakugou can be seen with two tall kids.
"Yo guys, are you sure we should be doing this?" Bakugou asks, as he sees his two companion beating up a kid with glasses for his lunch money. "Of course. We dont need to care about this dweeb, and he has a lot of money anyways so he doesnt mind, Right?" The Dude looks at the glasses kid as the kid nods in fear. "See, he's fine. Bakugou, you're too soft. You shouldn't be with this dweebs like those two. They'll just leech off your popularity because you're cool." The dude said. The other dude also follows up "Yeah. You should listen to us. This way, no one will pick on you while you'll still be cool." The two dudes continue on influencing Bakugou, while Izuku and Sergei does not know. Bakugou has reverted back to what he was in the canon.
_______________________________ (End of 3rd POV)
As we listen in class, we didnt see Bakugou here. Maybe he was sick. We should check tomorrow. As we head to our Homeroom, Our teacher had an announcement. "Listen class, we have a new student today." He looks at the blond girl at the door. I was shocked. No Fucking Way. The girl went to the front and greeted.
"Hello. My name is Himiko Toga. Nice to meet you..."