Chapter 4

"Bring it on Motherfucker." I said with excitement. Bakugou looked at me and was surprised by what i said, before his face turning into an angry frown and shouted "YOU THINK YOU'RE WORTH SHIT?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO HAS THE BEST QUIRK HERE FUCKER." He raised his hand and fired an explosion infront of me. Because of his earlier rage of emotions, the explosion created was larger than intended. Bakugou, not knowing that using too much than intended for a 4 year old boy, had repurcussions occuring in his arm. Bakugou cringed at the pain but still looked at me to see if i got hurt by his attack.

As i saw the explosion approaching near me, I used my sand to black the explosion, because of the intense heat from the explosion, the sand turned to crystalline glass-like structure and broke. Bakugou seeing I was unharmed, "Tch" He frowned and urged the two dudes to walk away from here.

_____________________________ (Bakugou POV)

"-FUCKER." I used my Quirk to cast an explosion headed towards that dweeb. 'You think you're the shit huh?!' I thought. Damn. I'm the best and you'll never take this fucking place from me. I turned to look at him, and saw him making a sand wall.. I got Frustrated 'FUCK.' I'm supposed to be the fucking best here, not you you fucking asshole. "Tch" I signaled my companions to walk away.. 'Dont Think This is Over Sergei. Just you wait you motherfucker.' I thought. I'll train my quirk and beat your sorry ass in the future, just you wait..

______________________________ (End Of POV)

I saw him walking away. 'Awww too weak. I wanted to have a good fight' I thought with disappointment. Maybe I'll sign up for fighting classes so i could fight more. 'Hehehe~ Nice idea'

I head home as usual, but as i head my way to home, i look towards this mansion or villa? I dunno, but everytime i walk towards here, it feels familiar. I cleared my thought and continued walking, as i was walking I saw a chibi girl with a bunch of maids behind her. She saw me looking at her and was curious at me. She went towards the iron fence between the sidewalk and the villa and signals me to come over. I come over and could see that she looked familiar.

Black hair, dressed in a familiar pony tail. 'Wait- Black hair ponytail? Rich? A girl?!' I realized. The person i was looking at is the Creation Quirk Girl: Yaoyorozu Momo. Internally I went 'SWEEET. i could probably make this idea of mine in the near future. Alright, i need to act like myself as usual.'

________________________________ (Momo POV)

Hmm, walking everytime in the garden seems relaxing, but I'm still so bored. Mother doesn't approve of me going outside without Mother's maids beside me.. I don't have real friends here. I hope i find one..

Seemingly, from what felt like someone answered my prayers. A boy was staring at our villa with curiosity in his eyes, As i continue on looking at him, I notice him looking at me for a bit with surprise on his face. 'Interesting...' I thought. I went towards the fence and told him to come here. He came over and i was stunned by his foreigner face.. His metallic silver hair, with no signs of combing. 'Jeez, such beautiful hair but doesnt even take care of it, what insult to beauty..' As i was thinking about that, His eyes glowed, like he had some kind of idea and i could sense the excitement within him. He looked at me with happiness plastered on his face and said..

__________________________________(End Of POV)

"Hey, Hey, what's your quirk??" I asked her. Well i know about it but that would seem suspicious wouldn't it? She looked at me and became wary of me. "Why do you wanna know?" She said in a cold tone. 'I guess being rich and having a Quirk capable of duplicating made her a hot potato' i thought. "Well, i just thought what if combining the effects of Quirks would make something awesome!" I exclaimed excitedly. Of course who wouldn't? Imagine being able to make a Fu- Im getting way too excited..

She looked at me in surprise and giggled. "You are very curious about everything.." I said "Well, I'm Sergei!" She replied "Yaoyorozu Momo" I asked her "Can i call you Momo?" She was happy, 'Finally i have a real friend!' She thought. "Yes please!" She excitedly said. "Hey Hey Sergei~ Do you wanna come inside my house?" 'Whoah, isn't that way too easy?' i thought, but as i was looking around i could sense the magnetic fields of hundreds of people hiding near me. 'Damn. Nevermind.' i thought. "Well okay then, But be aware, i will ask you tons of questions about your Quirk and the things you could do about it " I passionately said. 'As a student of science, it is my duty to use the universal laws within my grasp' I thought with (Imagination) Proufound look on my face..

Heading inside the HUUUUGE villa, i could see maids and butlers standing in line as I follow Momo to the living room to meet her parents, Who coincidentally, was here for a day off from their work.

Sitting in front of two adults wearing luxurious clothes. I felt nervous and depressed by how poor i am. 'damn, oh well, ill just make my own business in the future.' I thought.

______________________________________ (Momo's Mom POV)

As i looked at the little boys facial expression, I giggled. 'It seems he doesnt want to suck up to us by using our daughter.' I thought. "Ara Ara~ little boy, dont be so down. We're happy to have you here. Also thank you for having Momo as a friend, she tends to be cold to people as she has her reasons." I said. He looked at me and i could see the vast amount of curiosity in his eyes, Like a scientist, eyeing the wonderful and vast distance on the cosmos. 'Fufu~ seems like this one is a science enthusiast'

I said "Sergei~kun, do you like science?" The moment he heard science, he looked at me with eyes of excitement and passion. "YES!" he exclaimed. knowing how he shouted his answer, he felt embarassed and sat back down. My husband seems to also like this boy for his passion. "I see~ Could you tell me why?" He inhales deeply. Prepared to discuss the very thing he loved about in his life. "Because, It exists." I felt confused by his answer. "What do you mean?" He looked at me and said. "What i meant is, if it exists, then why just live with it? I want to question how, why, and what works. If its possible then it's real. That's Science, Even fiction drives me forward. If we can imagine these stuff, then this must mean there's an infinite amount of worlds out there to explore. I mean, we are science. If science is what we think is the concept of the universe, then aren't we all part of science?"

I look at him, and he was still in his daze. I was amused by how curious this boy is. "Then Sergei~kun, If somehow there's a Quirk thats able to create anything. What are your thoughts about it?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Then use it to create new elements, new metals. If you think about it's concept then it's real. If you have the understanding and you wish for it to be real, then do so"

I look at this child and smiled 'Such a creative way to use the quirk.' I told him..

"Say Sergei, Teach Momo how to use her quirk, Her quirk is Creation. I'll pay you for her tutoring, The food and travel expenses are all covered. Do you agree?"