Chapter 7

10 years passed by in an instant. With Me and Izuku becoming taller with puberty striking hard. While puberty hit me hard in my nether regions by increasing my hormone levels, Me standing at the height of 1.82 meters (6ft). Izuku stood at the height of 1.80 meters (5'11ft), becoming more muscular with all the Jeet kune do training.

Toga became much more taller and with her body becoming much more- uhh- how do you say this- Sexier... Her tendencies became much milder while her acting like a usual teenager would, While still there, it only acts at certain times. Mostly on her time of the month, but it's still bearable.

I invited Toga to my Creed, and she accepted the deal. As she joined the Creed, she's also obligated to have her own partner.

We looked for a partner for her, and unexpectedly, a crow flew near her. We took the crow as her partner, changed it's DNA and added part of Vlad's DNA to give it abilities. Same as Vlad, The crow had the ability to turn human, and be able to hide its presence. Apparently, The crow is also a female. Her Black hair, and sharp facial features, made her good looking. Let's name her Raven. Her talons are razor sharp, with her intelligence, she's an apex predator. I created another one 'sigh'.

As for Vlad, She thought of me as a mate. Her human body also grew with her chest area becoming more- refined-. While She and Mom got along, She also slept in my room.

Momo and I became much closer, with her being influenced by my Quirk creativity, she became much more intrigued by science. I also gave her the idea of the hidden blade, While we had failures, prototypes and such. We were getting closer to the final product.

'Today will be the day...' I thought as i stared at the classroom window while in my middle school class. As usual Toga is sitting beside me. Izuku is focused in the class while also writing notes about Hero's Quirks and weaknesses.

I see bakugou at the other side of the class. He notices me looking at him and felt irritated, He glared at me before looking back at the teacher.

"Listen students, Today is the form where you'll write the high school you wish to be in" The teacher stated looking at everyone in the class. While staring at deku, pitying him for him being Quirkless.

"Alright, Fill out the forms and then pass it in front" The teacher said. I look at the form i had and saw two notable schools here.

'Shiketsu High, and UA high..' I thought. I knew in my heart which school I'll pick. "UA high" i murmured as i wrote check on UA high.

I look over to Toga's desk and, 'Huh. I changed the timeline by making Toga a hero..' I thought. She also wrote UA high on her paper. "Deku which scho-" I said before being cut off by him.

"I'LL BECOME A HERO AND JOIN UA HIGH" He shouted. I looked at him in surprise while calming down.. Everyone was shocked by what he said. They all chuckled, thinking that a Quirkless like him would become a Hero.

"HuH!? You Deku?! Becoming a Hero?! THAT'S FULL OF SHIT.."

A certain Pointy haired blonde Boy remarked. Izuku looked at Bakugou with determination in his eyes. Bakugou frowned by his look. "Tch" He glared at Izuku before leaving the classroom.

Heading home, Toga head on her way. Izuku and Me being alone walking home. We were walking fine until some weird green slime monster came running right at us.

_______________________________(3rd POV)

A few minutes before the present. We see a slime monster running away from the crowds in panic. "THIEF! THAT THIEF STOLE MY PURSE!" shouted the woman. As the woman shouted, a certain blonde haired, white top individual's eyes glowed blue. His body expanded before chasing the criminal "HAHAHA, DON'T WORRY. I AM HERE" He shouted

The citizen were looking at the man in shock. One person shouted while looking at him in excitement. "That's him. THAT'S ALL MIGHT!!" Everyone roared in excitement. The Symbol himself, Has arrived.

Chasing after the criminal, He spotted two students walking leisurely. The criminal, noticing potential hostages, shot towards the two attempting to use them.

________________________________ (End Of 3rd POV)

I looked at the Slime monster heading towards us, as i was prepared of restraining him with the sand in the gourd floating in my surroundings. I heard a loud boom. "NEW HAMPSHIRE SMASH!" A powerful air current hit us while i shield ourselves with my sand, i look at the slime monster being blown away.

' He's here..' I thought. I looked at the approaching man. He's Huge, With blond hair, a dazzling smile is plastered on his face, Muscles full of power. It's the man himself. All might.

"DON'T WORRY SHOUNEN, I AM HERE!" He stated with confidence. He looked at the criminal thats stunned by the sudden attack. He put the criminal slime inside a jar, before planning to leave the area. Izuku seeing his hero, grabbed onto All might as he jumped away.

'Sigh, He's a die hard fan till the end' I sighed. I followed them. Floating towards them. This was my new ability with thinking of the repelling features of magnetic fields. Now i can overcome gravity and float.

{A.N: Thanks again for ScummyTheTentacle for this idea}

All might, sensing someone latching on his thigh, looks down to see the student with green hair hugging him. Afraid the kid might get hurt by his speed, he dropped down to a nearby rooftop to drop the kid off.

'Dammit, My time's running out' All might thought. He's nervous this kid might see his true identity. Preparing to head off to the Police Station, The kid suddenly grabbed his shirt and asked. "Say All Might, Can i be a hero?" All might looked at this kid, before realizing his time ran out.

Izuku seeing a skinny old man in front of him while All might disappear left him in confusion. "Hey Uncle, Who are you?"

All might sighed and explained everything. I came by seeing All Might in his true form, All might shocked that another person saw his identity. He also explained to him about his situation, Before realizing the criminal is gone.

The criminal, in an unknown alley, spotted Bakugou in the distance. Attempting to capture him to sneak away from All Might. As All might found out about the commotion, followed by Me and Izuku. Seeing All might, he hesitated to go on the risk of further injuring himself. Izuku saw that it was Bakugou being captured, darted straight off to save bakugou. I looked at all might seeing Izuku, being quirkless still tried to save his friend. Made him feel disgusted by himself, and ran to the criminal.

"DETROOOIIITT SMAAAASH" shouted All might. The slime being carried away by the air current suddenly disappeared from the sky. With the massive air current the sky became clear of clouds.

All might looking at the two kids, While turning back to look at me. They brought Bakugou to an ambulance to check for injuries. Me and Izuku were brought to a quiet alley by All might.

All might looks at us and asked, "Tell me Shounen, What is your dream?" Izuku went first and stated. "I wanna be a Hero that will save everyone with a smile." He said with resolution. All might smiled knowing the kid was a fan of his. He turned to look at me and waited for my answer.

"I want to be a person who works in the darkness to serve the light. I'm a firm believer of science and will use my knowledge to my whole ability to help people in my ability" I said also with determination. All might smiled, amused by my belief. He both looked at us and explained the story of one for all, And his enemy, All for one.

He looked at us both and said,

"Shounen, do you wish to inherit my quirk?"