16- Bamboo Forest

"No wonder, you're visiting us. It must have been tiring traveling all the way from the West. Hua'er is very diligent with his mission." Qi JinJing gave him a spoonful of stirfried bok choy. Unexpectedly, she also did the same for Wu Huan.

"Thank you," he timidly said.

Qi Tao looked solemn, "Certainly there are reported cases as well but it never swelled into such a concerning amount in the east. Our Mo City's population doesn't have a big spare amount of pregnant women thus I suppose it affects the activity. Nonetheless, such a horrendous act cannot be tolerated."

Shi Lihua hasn't been touching his food much and Wu Huan began to think that talking over the table was a bad idea. Shi Lihua was too absorbed with this case. He wouldn't eat if he got to discuss and learn more about it. "There is also something we are trying to confirm."

Qi Tao nodded, "What is that you want to confirm?"

"The revival of the demon king."

The three sisters who had been listening seemed to have lost their appetite, Qi Huiling narrowing her eyes and Qi Xue was downright looking irritated, "What does that mean, Shi Lihua? To speak of the demon king is looking for trouble by itself. Not to mention assuming that he has returned!"

"Ah Xue!" Qi Jinjing yelled despite her paleness. When Wu Huan looked at her, he felt like she would faint at any minute. "Your bad temper needs to go! Is there any way for you to willingly listen to other's explanations for once?"

The youngest sister relaxed her tight face but her eyes convinced them otherwise. She seemed suddenly too calm. Her voice sharped and mocking, "Only naive people do listen to these scumbags. Maybe that's why you're in that state right now."

"Go to your room, Ah Xue. I'll deal with you later," Qi Tao finally spoke up but he couldn't look at the guests directly in the eyes anymore. "Everyone, I will apologize for the rudeness. Let's enjoy our lunch now. Hua'er, you can continue."

With Qi Xue storming away, Qi Huiling dropped her chopsticks and followed suit. No matter how much Wu Huan tried to persuade himself otherwise, there was something dangerous and fishy about her.

"It's the motive behind the kidnappings that worry us. Why does it have to be pregnant women? What are they doing to the unborn children? Uncle Tao, I would like to request for an investigation in your city if possible."

"As the head family, I do have the authority. However, Hua'er, our city is also facing an internal problem. A group of bandit has been gaining a foothold rapidly within the city. There is no information about their base or their leader. The merchants are losing their minds."


"Yes. While other cities are being stolen women, we are dealing with robberies weeks after weeks. We did catch some at the start but their lips were sealed with a curse. Apparently, death is certain even before one word is uttered."

"Why haven't you request for sects' disciples? If the city manages to catch some without our help, it means it's possible to capture with a large number."

"Hau'er, you don't understand. These bandits only stole but they never killed. Well, in the beginning anyway. After we announce a crackdown on them, wealthy merchants suddenly became hostages. They let us promise to let them loot peacefully and in return, they wouldn't harm a single person."

"So, the wealthy merchants were adamant on letting them having their ways in exchange for their lives. As a head family, you cannot do anything drastic to displease the other families. But, everyone is at their wits end, aren't they?"

Qi Tao drank his tea, "That's right. If this keeps on going, they will move their businesses to another city. What would become of Mo and it's locals?"


The sun was starting to set when Shi Lihua saw Peng Yu by the backyard. She was feeding the birds with a tranquil look. He approached, "Lady Peng Yu."

"Young master," she smiled without looking at him. "What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be chatting with Master Qi Tao?"

"He said to wait for him after dinner. Some local merchants are demanding to see him regarding the bandits."

"I have heard about them. Young master, do you think people like us deserve to live?"

"Lady Peng Yu." He sighed choosing his words, "I was born privileged. I may not see or feel an ounce of the kind of suffering you have had. I don't have the right to answer such questions."

"Young master. This is the second time we have talked. But, why do I have a feeling in my guts that we are not so different?"

Shi Lihua didn't know how to respond so he could only stare at the pieces of scattered corn and then at the birds that were pecking them away. Such people intimidated him. Those who could see and feel through layers. After a while, he spoke, "Tonight, I'll take to Uncle Tao about Qi Xue."

Peng Yu stood up slowly, her figure blocked the sunset. Her simple hairstyle started to make his eyes focused. "Young master, it is not your fault."

"What...do you mean?"

She turned to look at him. The other side of her face was hidden by the shadow. "Also, I nearly forgot. Young master, Wu Huan told me to tell you to meet up with him at the bamboo forest."

"Wu Huan?" He narrowed his eyes but alas, he was also wondering where the guy was. "Where is the bamboo forest?"

"Just use the back gate right over there and follow the path. The forest is within our property."

After he thanked her, he pried over the wooden gate and took the oil lamp hanging nearby. There really was a trail leading him inside the forest. Steps by steps in the chilly evening air, he started to see plots of bamboo. Suddenly, he noticed a lump of a figure up ahead. Wu Huan was crouching down, his hands caressing and cuddling a bunny. "Senior brother, is that you?"

"What's that?"

Both the human and the animal looked up simultaneously, "A bunny?" Then he raised it up, "Here, try patting her."


"You're no fun, you know that?" Putting the bunny down, he waved it goodbye.

"And you're childish."

"Shi Lihua, why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what? That you're childish?"

Wu Huan busied himself patting off the dirt from his coat. "That you want to save Peng Yu."

"..." The cold wind shook the dark forest. Between them was the oil lamp. But, Shi Lihua could not interpret the expression of the other.

"Why do you always do things alone? Do you...do you not trust me? We've been traveling together all the way from the West. It doesn't make sense to me. "

"Wu Huan, just say it straight to me. Don't be such a coward."

His eyes were reflecting the flickering of the lamp, and his jaws seem to clench then unclench. "Do-"

"Wait. Stop. I do not want to hear this anymore. It's nearly time for dinner. Let's head back." Shi Lihua turned back.

"Do you think so too!?"


"T-that we have actually met somewhere before?"