10- Yang Ai

Yang Ai City, in the beginning, has always been the center of attention during festivities hence the name 'Loving'. The city was very prosperous due to its attraction and being the most innovative city ranging from fashion, food, styles, and cultivation weapons. Sooner then later, the rich families were born taking hold more and more of the major businesses.

When the old city lord died, the rich families discussed among themselves to find a candidate that could receive the approval of the three major sects: Lan Yan Sect, Taohua Sect, and Yin Dragon Sect. Gao Li who was the young master of the Gao family at the time was chosen for candidacy for his charming mouth and high education.

It was just as they said, "The richer you are, the richer you want to be." The new city lord constructed many new businesses under his name taking the advantage to strategically shut down the smaller businesses and soon, the whole city was run by him and his rich partners.

Most of the outskirt citizens that Shi Lihua and Wu Huan encountered were mostly bankrupt families or straight poor peasants that barely made a living at all. In the span of 45 years under this lord, it didn't deserve the name 'Yang Ai' anymore.

"This is making me angry," Wu Huan snorted as he watched from the inn's balcony to the lavish street below. Young masters and mistresses adorned with expensive silk ropes, and jade jewelry walking around noisy stores, their servants trudging behind holding luggage full of items. Their beautiful accessories and red lips giggling at each other and pointing nails at some charming clothes...this was all too contradictory to yesterday's horrifying sight of poor and homeless people...of the child that was worse off than a house cat.

If Gao Li ever planned to build a wall dividing the poor and the rich, Wu Huan wouldn't be surprised at all.

"Eat. We will go to the auction house as soon as we finish." Shi Lihua said across from him. Ever since they left the outskirt, his temper had been surprisingly very calm, very calm to the point Wu Huan was afraid of this kind of mask. He actually wished he would glare and sternly talked to him like normal. Being so calm like this, he didn't look human.

"Why do you want to visit the place rather than meeting Gao Li? Sect leader must have already informed the old man of your visit."

"...I'm very suspicious of his businesses. The auction house...makes me uneasy. And we're lucky to make it time. If we miss today, we would have to wait longer for another one."

Wu Huan thought about it. Sure, big businesses like these were bound to have corruption and sneaky trades. He also tried to link the kidnapping together. But then, it wasn't like they could trade women in such an open air. Yang Ai may be swarmed with its own rich citizens but most of the people who kept their businesses going were tourists or disciples from the three sects. Doing something like this would have cost an uproar even if they took care of things neatly.

The auction house was not so different from any others around the continent. It was just a little larger, a little bit more crowded and the guards outside were almost as stern-looking as Shi Lihua.

Following the tradition, they have also brought two simple-looking masks. They had decided to not reveal their identities so they could watch from the normal ground, without attracting too much attention.

Once the light dim, a spokesman came out of the red curtain. He wore a white rabbit mask and was shorter than normal people. "Ladies and gentlemen, have Yang Ai city been satisfying? Now, I know many of you have been here already before and I also know that you keep coming back for our incredibly rare treasures. Am I right? Hahahaha. Ok, ok, let's not waste everyone's time. Let's start as usual with our one-star items!"

The one-star, two-star, and three-star items weren't much of a big deal with it also being sold in most of the other places. The items were also scarce this time so the spokesman quickly went through them and finally reached the four-star items that everyone was there for.

It was a fluffy grey skin with wide red eyes and wolf snort. The spokesman had put it on a skin dryer. "This is the legendary red-eyed wolf skin used for spirit shield. Can be worn as normal clothes, can be used on armors...guarantee greatly lessen spiritual damage."

"By how much?" someone shouted.

"And a quarter and a half."

People rushed to bid like bears seeing honey. Wu Huan turned to Shi Lihua who sat rigidly without a word. It seemed like he wasn't planning on buying any of this stuff today.

The second four-star item was a snake spirit. "Of course, this isn't just your normal snake spirit. This is the one used in the end battle of Tian Yian Mountain by the fifth generation of Yin, the late sect leader Yin Cheng."

There was a murmur of confusion and someone exclaimed, "If the Yin Sect is already it's owner, why are you selling it to us? Why aren't their people doing anything?"

"Please do not be confused. This snake spirit only recognizes one master at a time and this also means that you can be its new master after the death of the old. Currently, the Yin Sect has no ownership of this spirit. It won't listen."

The snake spirit used by Yin Cheng wasn't unfamiliar to the continent. Everyone had heard of small snake solidifying into a giant two-headed bloody one that crashed into the defense spell of Tian Jian mountain during the end battle of the demon king and the cultivators. For someone to catch the snake spirit even after such a long time was incredible to the point it was unbelievable. He or she had to be super powerful to even capture and cage it to here.

Not even delaying to question the process, the bidding started and ended like a puff of smoke. Someone from the upper seat gave it a 1 million gold leaves.

Wu Huan"..."

He wouldn't doubt if it was a young master from Yin Dragon Sect.

"Now! Now! You must have been waiting for the last five-star item, haven't you? Be ready to be jaw dropped! The last item on the agenda of today's auction is the Bai Ju jade rim-stone ring!"

There was a dramatic silence but the spokesman had already expected such a response so he briefly continued, "Bai Ju ring that can transport you to anywhere in the continent using only your spirit power. Yes, it's not fake. It's one of the only two that Cultivation Master Bai Ju made for his two disciples. And the bidding price starts at 1 million!"

"1.5 million!"

"2 million!"

"2.5 million!"

"What the hell..." Wu Huan unconsciously rose from his seat. It wasn't only because it was sold at such a skyrocket price but because no one seemed to question the impossibility of obtaining this piece of jade ring. When Bai Ju and his disciples died they sacrificed themselves to seal protection to the treasures and even the whereabouts weren't known and never have been discovered for decades and decades! Even if you were lucky enough, you have had to be willing to sacrifice your life to close the protection.

The ring was finally sold at 3 million. On the way out, Shi Lihua ripped off his mask angrily.