21- Deadly Combo

There were two most ridiculous moments in his life. One was after it was decided that he would become the Taohua Sect disciple. He felt unworthy and rejected but maybe it wasn't as greater of a shock like this second time maybe because he had expected it somehow.

"Who are you trying to kid?"

This time, he felt upset and incredulous.

The guy displayed an easy smile like it was a natural thing for him to say. "The new kid. Aren't you the new disciple? It's only natural you don't know me."

"I don't but that's because my shixiong never mentions you."

He laughed lightly at the sudden jab. Wu Huan was increasingly annoyed having someone who even looked younger at him being so rude and treated him like an obvious outsider. "Your shixiong doesn't talk about his love life very much. You should understand that..." the guy smiled again, gazing at him like he was trying to figure something out. "Perhaps, you're a love rival?"

"Even if I am, I don't think you're even worthy to call a rival. You see, my shixiong doesn't like guys like you."

"Oh, so you're so closed now to know his taste that vivid? Are you willing to make a bet? See how much you're wrong?"

Wu Huan frowned, "I don't need to bet. I just know."

"Great, an egotistic shidi you've gotten. Am I right, Hau'er?"


"What are you scheming again, Luo Yang?" It was really Shi Lihua who looked suspicious as he came wrapped tightly in his thick cloak. "What did you say to him?"

The guy called Luo Yang raised his hands in surrender, his mouth pouting, "Nothing, my love. Just checking for new rivals."

"What rival, you stupid egg. Shut your mouth. Don't start spreading rumors again." The shixiong didn't go easy scolding someone else other than Wu Huan. When he turned to look at the shidi, his phoenix eyes glared in warning. "What did he say to you?"

"Noth-" Luo Yang tried to flap his wings before the start of a storm.

"That you are his lover," Wu Huan could taste the victory.

Shi Lihua: "..."

Luo Yang: "..."

Tian Jian suddenly shot out, the glint of the sword nearly blinded both agape men. "Say that again." It sounded like a death sentence than a request.

"Hua'er? Calm down. I am obviously just trying to get on his nerve. Look he doesn't believe me anyway. Right? Right? New kid?" By the time he finished speaking, he had already stepped away from them a few inches.

"Definitely believe him."

"...You do? Ridiculous. Die both of you."

"What are you three doing?" The person speaking was Elder Yi Lei, peak master of Yao Ping of Taohua. He seemed to have also walked out of the conference.

"Master!" Luo Yang cowered behind him. He obviously looked more scared of Shi Lihua than his own master.

"You idiot!" Elder Yi smacked him loudly on the back of his head. He looked like a mother hen pecking at her child. "Here we are looking for you and you're outside cooking up something to tease someone again."

"How do you know?"

"So it's really true!"

Luo Yang received another smack.

"Luo Yang, you're coming with us." Shi Lihua in contrast seemed to cool down. His sword slapped back very sleek. He stared. "Do you have any objections?"

"No...Of course not. Please take me with you."

It didn't fly fast Wu Huan to feel queasy in his stomach watching the two.

[What a tragic thing that he has to tag along.]

"Don't cook up anything weird to annoy your juniors brothers. I'll ask Hua'er when you return." Elder Yi didn't appear to want to scold his disciple with so many people around anymore so he went back in to save face with a head shake.

[Junior brothers??]

"Why is he coming with us anyway?"

"We received the bandits' hideout location. Father worries about our safety so he wants Luo Yang with us since he's already here."

"So, he's just a sacrificial piece?"

The said sacrificial piece snorted but before he could retort, Shi Lihua beat him to it, "Both of you are. Now shut up and follow me."

"Where is the hideout, Hua'er?" Luo Yang followed smoothly to the strict person's side. It was not impossible to say he had lost interest in teasing Wu Huan and had turned to hugging his Hua'er's thigh.

"It's the temple that we stayed during our stay here."

"The temple?" Wu Huan rushed to his side as well. "The monk and his apprentice?"


"You really can't judge people on the outside, can you?" Luo Yang piped in.

Flashed back scenes returned to his thoughts, Wu Huan felt a deep sense of relief realizing he had tasted the food. However, his innocence seemed to chirp away bits by bits through this journey. Not to mention, his sanity if this person, Luo Yang, was going to tag along.

"Hold up, Shixiong. Are you sure the three of us can defeat a whole bandit?"

"Hey, kid," Luo Yang and Shi Lihua stopped in their track. "Who do you think we are? This is the Taohua deadly combo-ouch" He got punched in the stomach.

"Watch your mouth. What did I say? What nonsense."

"Ok ok. It's a couple-combo... ok! I'm sorry. I'll stop playing around for real this time."

[Infuriating. This is infuriating.]

Wu Huan balled his hands, looking like he was really going to add another brave smack. Shi Lihua stood in between them like a lava block. "Luo Yang is an idiot but he can protect us better than anyone in the sect...At this emergency."

"There is no need for the last words, you know," Luo Yang whispered grunting. "I'm the best defender after my master. Everyone knows it. Accept the new chick."

Wu Huan: [So, I'm a chick now.]

Shi Lihua: [So, he's a chick now.]

"We need to get even halfway there by sunset. We are ordered to plant a surprise attack. They don't know we have caught their spy just as yet."

The snow was getting heavier and heavier. The streets became less busy. People closed their shops early to snug into warm blankets and sit in front of the fireplace. Sooner, they were walking in a quiet nightlife, lanterns swaying with the chilly air.

"How do I say this..."Luo Yang perked up, "This is such a weird atmosphere."

"We're being watched...Wu Huan picked up your pace."

"Sorry, Shixiong." Wu Huan swatted snow off his shoulders distractingly, "Don't you feel it though? The aura. It's really making me uncomfortable."

"It's coming from behind. It doesn't feel human." Luo Yang suddenly wrapped his arm around Shi Lihua, "Stay close. It's a powerful foe."

"You don't have to touch him...I'm just saying," Wu Huan surrendered once he received the phoenix glare.

"Luo Yang, you protect Wu Huan. I can handle myself. Worst comes to worst, I'll be the distraction."

"Shixiong, what did I say about doing things alone?" It was becoming a taboo thing to him, he felt in his heart.

Luo Yang really did come over to hold him back, "Wait, this isn't the time to-"


[An explosion? From the ground?]

Wu Huan felt a body slamming into his as they flew back about a hundred Li. Rubis flew mixing with the snow. A stone hit the center of his temple. His hand felt stuck on something heavy. It was Luo Yang.

"Damn it, I didn't see that coming." He grunted when he figured the hand he sat on and stumbled to get up. His injured back shoulder almost gave out from the weight.

"Where is Shixiong?" The shidi rushed to the scene despite not finding a similar figure after the debris slowly settled down.
