"DGA ( dream, goal and aim) is the most essential need of every successful person life" go and study successful people biography DGA stand first in his life.


Every successful and wealthy people first have a great and golden dream they think about his goal continuously and one day he achieve his goal than people say OMG this men is successful why I'm not successful in my life you are fucking loser tell me does you have dream 75% people not have dream they just live life like a fucking dog.

I'm 100% if you read this book that you have purpose or dream in your life without purpose and dream your life have no value in society and world the god make you for strong purpose and reason just identify your dream.

"Tell your dream to all fucking world"

75% people's dream making lot of money, strong relationship with crush and wife, making self good, reaching for million people's life, gaining respect, building empire, try to famous in this world and many more dream you have than tell the world.


Goal is the second stage of achieving success if you 100% confirm about your dream than come set your goal don't worry I'm helping you for setting your goal.

Every great men say that first you have goal in you life basically 3 common type of goal.

No.1 life goal

No.2 relationship goal

No.3 career goal

I'm give you one example that you understand why goal setting is important in life.

Think about that you go for traveling Ahmedabad to Mumbai first you know why you going Mumbai what kind of your purpose form going Mumbai than second most important thing which transport do you choice is like a bus, train, private taxi and a fucking plane.

Imagine your journey start for going Mumbai but problem start here if you choice a bus, train and private taxi they fucking vehicle take long time but if you choice a plane your destiny will be complete in short period of time but key- point here if you have burning desire than you choice a fucking jet or rocket that complete you journey in faster than any one choice is always yours so choice well this example direct belong to you goal if you set your goal today you know your journey and you know where I'm going and why I'm going there so set your goal today.

Sorry but I'm not help you for setting your personal goal because your dream was different you destiny different so go google or YouTube and find how to set goal do some efforts if you thinking success.


Aim is three most important thing in life imagine you dream was ready or you goal also ready but implementation power give by aim your journey not for 6 month not one year journey success journey a long period of time game so play safe and play well.

One of the my great business meting I understand one thing that people really need success and also do more and more efforts that you imagine people work 12 to 15 hours a day work like hell but why they don't get any kind of result answer is simple because of lack of aim people motivate just for 3 to 6 month than later do same time of stuff but if you have light- been aim direct connect to your goal and dream than you not need any kind of motivation gurus they are fucking lie and asshole.

I'm request you go and take note and first write about your dream what you want for your life than second set you goal goal like year goal' month goal and daily goal if help you for you success journey and finally set your aim and work like hell "build your aim like a hungry Eagle.